星期一, 12月 26, 2005



雖然書上都告訴我們少用,這個指令會嚴重地破壞程式的結構性及可讀性;但是最近在研究公司的TCPIP協定及驅動部的原始碼,裡面就大量地使用了goto,也真的降低了程式的可讀性,但也發現goto的一個優點: 快速且節省空間


星期四, 12月 22, 2005


HOI2 1.03 的新事件 日落(日本投降)


如果接受日本投降,日本會歸還中國所有的固有領土(台灣,東北),大韓民國成為中國的傀儡國,不過濟洲島歸中國(bug?),降 dissent 20.


星期三, 12月 21, 2005


HOI2 1.03 中譯 Part VII

** 1938:
- 微調德國與捷克的科技
- 微調英國的警備部隊
- 進一步平衡
- 修正捷克的要塞.
- Increased partisan levels in China.
- 降低中國陸軍的素質.
- Tweaked base sizes, techs and AA to sensible levels for 1938
- 為日本新增海軍生產程式
- 伊朗現在是具可玩的國家
- 1938: 為蘇聯增加空軍基地
- 1938: adding the Vallo Alpino fortifcations to Italy
- 1938: the GDE/GPW events
- 1938: 降低英國的人力資源
- 1938: 增加蘇聯的孤立性
- 1938: 弱化西班牙的科技
- 1938: correcting the membership of the British Empire and Allies (removing YEM and IRQ)
- 1938: 降低義大利陸軍的素質.
- 1938: resolving incompatibility with the Soviet gearing/GPW events
- 1938: sundry minor tweaks to diplomacy, tech and other details

** 1939:
- 日本向職業軍人移動三級.
- 為中國在成都新增一個等級3的機場
- Fixed a minister fluke in TIB
- Oman and CSC now have their correct capitals set
- Argentinian 'Aviacion del Ejercito' and 'Aviacion Naval' now correctly have air bases
- Australian 'HMAS Perth' now correctly has a naval base
- Finnish 'Lentorykmentti 1' and 'Lentorykmentti 4' now correctly have air bases
- French 'Zone d'Operations Aeriennes Est' moved to a correct air base
- French 'Zone d'Operations Afrique Ouest' moved to a correct air base
- Added an airbase to PROV528 Lyon
- French 'Zone d'Operations Aeriennes des Alpes' now correctly has an air base
- German 'Erkundungsflotte' now correctly has a naval base
- Dutch '1e Luchtvloot' moved to a correct airbase
- Iraqi 'Royal Army Air Force' moved to a correct airbase
- Japanese '2. Hikoutai', '8. Kaigun' and '3. Hikoutai' now correctly have airbases and navalbases
- Japanese '1 Zerosen no Hikodan' and '1. Hikoutai' moved to correct airbases
- Soviet 'Arctic Fleet' moved to a correct navalbase
- Spanish 'Region Estrecho' and 'Region Pirineos' moved to correct airbases
- An American Dublin is now correctly in Phoenix instead of Ireland
- 擴建都柏林的海軍基地
- Added naval bases to Rotterdam and Dunkirk
- added some better and more historical supply & oil pools
- fixed alot of incoherent and one-side-defined relations settings
- added some missing prerequisite techs
- Upped the amount of Belgian transports
- 伊朗現在是具可玩的國家
- Removed mutual Military Access between Commonwealth countries to remedy the currently broken end_access command. Their access is automatic anyway, since they're Allies.
- edited SAF sliders a bit to make them slightly less democratic
- added a locked garrison to Panama in all scenarios
- made Cyprus UK national to ensure they don't give it away under any circumstance
- 塞普路斯設為土耳其的固有領土
- 阿爾及利亞設為法國的固有領土
- Added some more airfields to the Eastern Front area and along the Transsiberian Railway.
- Moved the British professional_army slider to position 7.
- 移除香港的陸上要塞並將之改為海岸要塞(36/39年 lvl 3, 41/44年 lvl 5)
- Germany now has Mil.Acc to Uruguay
- Mengkukuo now has some offmap IC to keep on running
- Significantly cut down the PHI OOB
- 菲律賓的人力資源設為0
- 法國向後備軍人移動二級
- 少數對遊戲極為重要的協議被設定為無法拒絕
- 德國向職業軍人移動二級
- 減少大部分中南美洲國的人力資源60%-66%

** 1941:
- 微調美國的科技設定
- 日本向職業軍人移動3級
- CHI:成都(Chengdu)的空軍基地升級為3
- 修正Oman的首都
- Fixed some minister flukes in SOV and TAN
- Deleted Advanced Interceptor (Ki-84) & Improved Interceptor (Ki-61) techs from JAP but added Basic Escort Fighter (Ki-38)
- Fixed some bases for Australia
- 修正澳洲(Australia)的一些基地(空軍?海軍?)
- Specified base province for the Guangxi Clicque naval unit
- Moved a Chinese air unit to a correct airbase
- Moved two British naval units to a correct naval base
- Edited two forbidden German brigades
- Added two Italian airbases (Sardinia & Rome)
- Added bases to a few Japanese air units
- Edited some forbidden Japanese brigades
- Added a base for the Romanian fleet
- Edited some forbidden Soviet brigades
- Moved the Soviet Pacific Fleet to a correct naval base
- Added a naval base to Karlskrona in Sweden
- Moved an American air unit to a correct airbase
- French government changed to SC
- 擴建 Dublin 的海軍基地
- added some better and more historical supply & oil pools
- fixed alot of incoherent and one-side-defined relations settings
- added some missing prerequisite techs
- Upped the amount of Belgian transports
- 1941: SOV GDE set to 0.6
- edited SAF sliders a bit to make them slightly less democratic
- added a locked garrison to Panama in all scenarios
- made Cyprus UK national to ensure they don't give it away under any circumstance
- 塞普路斯設為土耳其的固有領土
- 阿爾及利亞設為法國的固有領土
- Added some more airfields to the Eastern Front area and along the Transsiberian Railway.
- Moved the British professional_army slider to position 7.
- Removed the Land Fort in Hong Kong and changed it to a Coastal Fort (lvl 3 in 36/39, lvl 5 in 41/44).
- 修正一些代碼錯誤
- Mengkukuo now has some offmap IC to keep on running
- Significantly cut down the PHI OOB
- 法國向後備軍人移動一級
- 少數對遊戲極為重要的協議被設定為無法拒絕
- 德國向職業軍人移動二級
- 減少大部分中南美洲國的人力資60%-66%

** 1944:
- 在 Rotterdam 及 Dunkirk 新增海軍基地
- 日本向職業軍人移動三級
- 更正SOV的科技代碼(id)
- Corrected some minister flukes in ARG, CUB and POR
- 安曼有正確的首都
- 更正在大量的檔案中許多基本的錯誤
- Corrected alot of unallowed brigades in a number of OOB's
- French government changed to SC
- 擴建 Dublin 的海軍基地
- added some better and more historical supply & oil pools
- fixed alot of incoherent and one-side-defined relations settings
- 增加一些被忽略的前提科技
- Argentina now has a claim on the Falklands
- 伊朗現在具有"可玩性"了.
- edited SAF sliders a bit to make them slightly less democratic
- added a locked garrison to Panama in all scenarios
- made Cyprus UK national to ensure they don't give it away under any circumstance
- 塞普路斯設為土耳其的固有領土
- 阿爾及利亞設為法國的固有領土
- Added some more airfields to the Eastern Front area and along the Transsiberian Railway.
- Moved the British professional_army slider to position 7.
- Removed the Land Fort in Hong Kong and changed it to a Coastal Fort (lvl 3 in 36/39, lvl 5 in 41/44).
- Switzerland now properly uses the Superior Firepower Doctrine path
- 德國現在有更多的防空炮台(如同歷史上)
- Significantly cut down the PHI OOB
- 少數對遊戲極為重要的協議被設定為無法拒絕
- 德國向職業軍人移動二級

HOI2 1.03 中譯 Part VI


*** 共有的
- Properly included event_picture references in the new 'Experience from Spanish Civil War' events
- Edited some sprite coordinates to make stuff better visible
- Added a big number of propaganda pics for revolter nations
- 替ARG和中華民國增加一些 model 圖片
- 替加拿大全部的空軍單位增加 model 圖片
- Removed some forbidden symbols in four propaganda posters
- Fixed some French translation errors in text.csv
- Fixed an error in revolt.txt where Abadan (in Persia) was required instead of Kuwait City
- The revolt.txt entry should now properly make Bratislava the Slovakian capital
- OTT now has a revolter entry
- Removed an erroneous province for KAZ in revolt.txt
- Lowered MP levels of small minors across the map
- Gave MAN a bit of offmap stuff to keep on running
- When the Netherlands & Belgium surrender, their army is now properly deleted as well
- Denmark now secedes its provinces to Germany when it stands down (no partisans)
- Fixed an error in the adj-defs.csv file that made some Pacific chain connect to *whistle* North Africa.
- Andaman Islands are no longer needed to liberate India
- 減少菲律賓的人力資源
- CSA got intrinsic_gov_type = fascist removed
- BEL: +4 IC (二個科技團隊)
- SWE: +3 IC (一個科技團隊 --> 二個科技團隊)
- Moved all 'ruling cabinets' in minister files to 'replacements' since liberated nations would else always get the ruling cabinet, instead of a cabinet suited for their puppetmaster
- 修正一個德國部長的代碼(ID)錯鋘
- Some Finnish minister tweaks
- IDC 得到一些新的科技團隊(拷貝至LAO, CMB, VIE)
- Tweaked a Swiss tech team, a Nigerian one, removed Millikan from USA, tweaked Canadian Avro
- Trivial tweaks to some USA tech team dates
- Pocket Defence Doctrine historical year changed to 1941
- Most of all the names in various Chinese ministers & leader files are now in Pinyin
- 在法義邊界增加一些要塞
- New Caledonia增加資源:稀有礦物
- DFR & DDR generals now available a bit earlier just in case they're liberated earlier
- German relations with FRA/ENG should now get a much larger hit when the 'End of Czechoslovakia' happens
- Tweaked the belligerence requirement for US Oil Embargo to 40.
- Weather in provinces 1643 & 1645 changed to subtropical
- Made Gibraltar mountain again
- added some better and more historical supply & oil pools
- Mengkukuo now has some offmap IC to keep on running
- Raised INFRA in Gorkij from 50 to 60
- Suez region is now extra for Egypt
- Cyprus is now an extra for OTT
- Province 1049 got its infra upped a bit
- 1936劇本:Manilla新增海灘(登陸)並移除要塞
- The Istanbul port now exits in the Sea of Marmara insead of the Aegean Sea.
- Removed the land connection between China and Hong Kong for AI purposes and made Hong Kong hills.
- Added sea connections between some of the Philippine islands, so they can be crossed by troops but ships can still block them.

** 戰役
- Added and removed some logical and illogical techs:
* Coral Sea: added techs 8310 and 8130 to AST
* D-Day: removed 8130 from GER
* Fall Weiss: removed 5360 from POL
* Platinean War: removed 5380 and added 5310 and 5320 to BRA
* Southern Conquests: removed 8310 and added 5310 and 5320 to JAP
- Husky: enhanced a trigger

** 1936:
- fixed a bug in the SWE slider setup: free_market twice instead of one freedom
- 德國的孤立義調整為5
- 降低西班牙共和國與英國,法國及蘇聯的關係
- 日本向職業軍人移動三級
- Set up the 1936 minister cabinets to correspond with the new setup of the minister files
- BEL 現在在遊戲一開始是自由市場(Van Zeeland 政府)
- 將加拿大的干涉主義移向 4
- 1936: Added a level 3 air_base to Chengdu in CHI in anticipation of a possible Operation Zet
- 修正Oman的首都
- USSR 現在有科技1070的藍圖
- 修正CGX海軍的母港
- 修正中華民國海軍的母港
- Deleted two invalid brigades in ENG OOB
- 德國的 'Baltische Flotte' 移動至正確的母港
- 義大利的 '4a Squadra di Marina' 現在有正確的母港了
- 義大利的 '19a Squadra di Marine' 移動至正確的母港
- Polish 'III/1 Dyon Brygady Poscigowej' moved to a correct air base
- 美國的 '2nd USN Submarine Fleet' 移動至正確的母港
- 美國的 '7th USAAF Bombardment Wing' 移動至正確的空軍基地
- 英國得到 'Improved Light Cruiser(改良型輕巡洋艦)' (3100) (accidentally omitted)
- 美國的一個機場修正到菲律賓而非都柏林
- 擴建都柏林的海軍基地
- Added naval bases to Rotterdam and Dunkirk
- added some better and more historical supply & oil pools
- fixed alot of incoherent and one-side-defined relations settings
- added some missing prerequisite techs
- Upped the amount of Belgian transports
- 1936/1939: Removed mutual Military Access between Commonwealth countries to remedy the currently broken end_access command. Their access is automatic anyway, since they're Allies.
- edited SAF sliders a bit to make them slightly less democratic
- added a locked garrison to Panama in all scenarios
- made Cyprus UK national to ensure they don't give it away under any circumstance
- 塞普路斯設為土耳其的固有領土
- 新增阿爾及利亞為法國的固有領土
- Added some more airfields to the Eastern Front area and along the Transsiberian Railway.
- 將英國的"職業軍人"設為7
- 移除香港的陸上要塞並更改其海岸要塞的等級(lvl 3 in 36/39, lvl 5 in 41/44)
- Added an 'ahistorically early' alliance between Japan & Manchukwo
- 菲律賓的人力資源設為0
- 修正西北三馬和新疆間控制的省分
- 法國向徵兵制移動二級
- Set a few gameplay-important trades to cancel = no
- 德國向職業軍人移動二級
- 減少中南美諸國的人力資源 60-66%
- German ArmMin Hjalmar Schacht made available in 1936.

HOI2 1.03 中譯 Part V

******* Modding Support *******
- Added an 'army = X' trigger which returns true
- 新增觸發命令 'day = x'.
- Added a 'land_percentage = { country = XXX value = 1.2 }' trigger that returns true if the target has at least 120% of the number of land-divisions the desired opponent has.
- Added "manpower = X" to the free-resources field.
- Global flags now work the same way as local flags.
- 新增 "free_manpower"事件命令

******* 臭虫修正 *******
- Tracked down and fixed a bug which gave fleets perfect positioning after 1 hour.
- 修正空戰時會當機的臭虫
- Divisiontype-triggers 現在可以正確地運作
- 修正人力資源(manpower)的臭虫, 目前用於增援的人力會超過真正需要的
- Fixed the problem where a convoy from puppet's would never ship the resources.
- 修正幾個幾個事件命令的臭虫,如果它們涉及無關的國家會當機
- Fixed a crashbug which happened when a large navalcombat occurred with hundreds of ships got sunk.
- Divisions in strategic redeployment and under construction are now considered for the division-types trigger.
- Fixed the minister trigger so that it will not return true if the ministers startdate has not arrived OR the minister is dormant.
- 修正"維琪"當機臭虫
- 解放傀儡國不會同時解除該國的秘密科技的鎖定
- Removed crash on MAKE_PUPPET command when the new puppet was allied with the new puppeteer.
- Units Loaded onto transports now leaves combat.
- 併吞時,將領不會在消失
- Friendly troops aboard alliance transports no longer become citizens of the nation's ships upon reload.
- Tracked down and fixed reason for mismatch on serial production of province developments in MP.
- Fixed pathfinding for aircrafts and other units, used an inadmissible heuristic for a* before.
- 修正傀儡國會脫離宗主國聯盟的錯誤

******* 事件(Events) *******
** 雜項
- 修正在各個事件(Events)檔的許多草腳錯誤
- 隨機事件 "大規模罷工" 不會在發生在國家社會主義或法西斯國家
- 編輯事件"租借法案",現在每九個月會被觸發一次(不在是隨機觸發),但是為了平衡起見,美國拒絕的機率更高了
- 編輯美國對中華民國的事件"租借法案",現在應該會被觸發的更加頻繁
- Reworked the amount of offmap goodies the various revolters get.
- 事件 "冷戰爆發" 可以更早被觸發,如1936
- 事件 "冷戰爆發" 現在會檢查更多東西

** 歐洲
- Completely reworked the way Vichy is handled. Vichy now has a ton of events to handle various colonies seceding, Operation Torch, the Vichy surrender and more...
- 如果德國,義大利,蘇聯,英國及法國干涉西班牙內戰而且他們支持的一方獲勝,他們會取得一些科技藍圖
- Reworked the triggers to the Hitler Assassination events extensively. The event will now have a chance of occuring when the war goes bad, and not necessarily when you have alot of dissent.
- The following ministers/leaders will no longer be slept when Hitler is assassinated: Heinz Guderian, Walther von Brauchitsch, Eberhard Milch
- German government should now be properly made PA when Hitler has been assassinated (Beck-Goerdeler government)
- 編輯 '東波蘭歸蘇聯' 事件, 使它可以正確的被啟動
- Removed the intervenionist slider moves for Germany in the Spanish Civil War, Rheinland and Anschluss events. Extra moves added to Sudetenland Events
- Edited the 'German annexation of Czechoslovakia' event trigger a bit
- Tweaked the trigger of the Anschluss event somewhat
- Added some forgotten province ID's to Bitter Peace events
- Reworked the Molotov-Ribbentrop sequence severely.
- Smaller German allies now have an event to return provinces when Molotov-Ribbentrop triggers
- 小幅修改 '莫洛托夫-裡賓特洛甫條約' 事件串,使得蘇聯不會總是對德國宣戰
- 如果 '莫洛托夫-裡賓特洛甫條約' 事件中選擇 b 或 c, 冬季戰爭將不再發生(非史實狀況)
- 修改蘇聯 '將工業移到西伯利亞' 事件,現在蘇聯不會在從這個事件中得到任何IC
- The various USSR ground_def_eff tweaking events (2651 to 2659) now properly sleep the 'cheated' event 2660 to prevent exploits
- 現在AI事件確保蘇聯的AI不會得到太高的"地面防衛加成"
- 增加3個AI事件,使蘇聯在戰後會解放並傀儡BUL,CZE和POL。
- The End of the Winter War got its trigger reworked
- Action_b of the End of the Winter War now drops relations a lot more and end possible SOV non_aggression pacts with Allies & Germany
- 修正蘇聯對Bessarabia宣告主權的事件
- Tweaked splitting of czech army after the Munich event-series.
- 微調"捷克斯拉夫的終結"。大部分的領土再也不會屬放HUN
- 加入新事件 "捷克斯拉夫的終結"(2041),以包含HUN不存在的非歷史狀況
- 如果CZE是傀儡國, "捷克斯拉夫的終結"(2040) 將不會發生
- 改善 "偉大的愛國戰爭" 的觸發條件,以免它被觸發一次以上 multiple times.
- Yugoslavia should now also sign peace with the Allies and (possibly) the USSR when they withdraw from the Axis
- 自event 35中移除對POL, BUL和CZE的傀儡
- 在德國投降後,盟軍解放丹麥,挪威和盧森堡。
- 在德國投降後,盟軍現在會正確放棄希臘,捷克,意大利和匈牙利的省份
- Croatia now gets a tiny bit of free_ic and stuff to be at least viable when they are released by GER
- There now is a French variant of the Liberation of Europe event
- 小幅修改 "義大利投降" 的觸發條件
- The events concerning the Creation of Slovakia have been reworked
- Moved the alliance command in the Croatian Independance events from the CRO event to the GER event so that Croatia now actually *joins* the Axis upon creation
- 編輯 '英國保證波蘭獨立' 的觸發條件
- Churchill can now also come to power if ENG ends up at war with SOV (anti-commie role)
- The Spanish Civil War Intervention events for FRA, ENG and SOV now checks for those countries *not* being in an alliance with Republican Spain
- Extensively reworked the way Slovakia is established
- Added a death event for Finnish PM Kyosti Kallio
- The End of Germany event series now make Niels Bohr return to Denmark (slept in USA)
- There's now an event that removes the Maginot line when its flanked.
- There's now an event series that makes Bulgaria claim the Constanta region from Romania. If the claims are refused, this might lead to a Third Balkan War.
- Tweaked some AI_chances in Anschluss and Leadership of Free France events
- Reduced '36 GC FRA MP by 100 and added +15MP to the FRA Gearing up for War event (52)
- Germany now gets allied to Hungary if they chose to partition Czechoslovakia with them instead of installing Tiso.
- Fixed a few problems with the Annexation of Czechoslovakia events
- There's now an event that removes the Maginot line when its flanked
- Thoroughly reworked the Italian surrender chain's triggers and effects.
- Reworked the various events that tweaked the GDE of the USSR. At long last, all scenarios should now be corresponding correctly.
- When the Netherlands and Belgium are overrun, their European provinces become owned by Germany now. NOTE: Their troops will keep on fighting since they 'continue the fight from the colonies'.
- If Poland declines an alliance with the United Kingdom or the United Kingdom does not offer an alliance at all, Poland has a higher chance of caving in to Germany demanding Danzig.
- Croatia now properly gets less free_ic when liberated (3 <--> 7).

- Fixed the three 'US Gearing up for War' triggers so that they don't return true in the first few days of the game anymore
- Tweaked and reworked the 'USA Gearing up for War' event chain.
- Tweaked the triggers for the Undeclared War and the Arsenal for Democracy events.
- Added some logical Monroe Doctrine triggers to events 56, 57 & 58
- The USA gearing up for war will now also happen as a reaction to premature Soviet aggression
- Event action_b in event 57 no longer sleeps event 58
- event 57 的 action_b 不再使 event 失效
- 如果菲律賓成為日本的傀儡, 美國的菲律賓將領及科技團隊(如麥克阿瑟)會暫時消失.
- USA now moves a bit more towards interventionism if 'Pearl Harbour' hits
- USA now gets claims on Iceland & Greenland when they get it offered (to counter nationalism there).
- 當日本的好戰度達到40時,美國才會對日本實施石油禁運(原先是35)
- 只有當美國對中國提供援助時,中國才會有科技團隊 Claire Chennault.(以及其領導人陳納德)
- 當美國失去加州/德州時,它同時也會失去一些以加州/德州為基地的技術團隊
- Destroyer Transfer (30 & 31) tweaked with changes to USA'S '36, '38, '39 GC scenario files

**Asia-Pacific and Africa
- 與珍珠港相關的偷襲事件在1947年之前都可能會發生,而非1943年
- 現在,如果美國投降,日本併吞菲律賓
- Japan now allies with Manchukwo and Mengkukwo should it chose action_b in the Khalkin Gol incident (small chance)
- 班乃島號事件不再增加日本的好戰性,也修改此處一個省份代碼(ID)的錯誤.
- Added in two events for the case where MAD becomes a JAP puppet in the Vichy chain.
- Cut the manpower values in japanmanpower.txt by a factor 30 since they should represent daily MP gain.
- The 'Japan surrenders to China' event now cedes previously warlord owned territory as well.
- The Japanese side of the 'US Oil Embargo' event now kills alot of trades instead of reducing their oil stockpile
- Nomonhan Incident (event 22) now has a small chance the Japanese AI will delcare war on the USSR
- Reworked the Surrender of Japan events a tiny bit. They should now properly cede Indochina to France again.
- Edited the badly used add_corps and add_division commands in the Operation Zet event(s).
- There now is a nice event series concerning peace between China and Japan. Various options are available to both sides like installing a puppet regime, balkanizing the opponent,...
- When the Chinese Industry Move to the interior happens, industry will now also be moved away from Nanjing and Hangzhou to the interior. 50% of the resources there will now also appear inland.
- The Chinese Industry Move to the Interior now also triggers a Burma Road event that hands a small portion of free resources and stuff to China. The Burma Road can be closed (and China weakened) by capturing Burma. It can be re-opened if ENG takes it back.
- Reworked the 'Burma Road' triggers to account for a bit more possible outcomes. If the Southern China warlords are at war with China for example, the Burma Road can't open anymore.
- Persian Coup (936) tweaked
- Included a new event file (colonial_release.txt) that gives dissent to nations setting their colonial revolters free. We want to discourage ahistorical mass-liberating
- There's now some new events surrounding the Iraqi coup and counter-coup
- There's now an event that establishes the Japanese puppet in Mengkukuo
- Added in three 'death events' for SAF politicians
- There's now events that might establish the People's Republic of Korea and South Korea.
- There's now an event that potentially transfers Soviet conquered parts of China to the Chinese Communists.
- Included a small chance for Persia going to war with USSR & UK in the Persian Coup event
- Removed 1272 from the 'Mengkukuo established' event trigger
- Persian Coup (236) deleted, it was replaced by Persian Coup (936) in hoi2.txt file
- There now is an event to simulate the establishment of the Persian Corridor if Persia leans towards Germany
- Added Death of King Ghazi of Iraq (393)
- Edited the Iraqi Coup events in HOI2.txt a bit to trigger properly
- Expanded the trigger for the 'Siam Gives Up' event.
- There now is a 'South Africa at the Crossroads' event where SAF can choose to stay with the Allies, or side more with the Axis.

HOI2 1.03 中譯 Part IV

*** 蘇聯 AI (SOV)
- SOV 修正臭虫,它會亳無理由的對德國宣戰
- SOV does a better buildup for the Winter War
- SOV DOWing of Baltic states event broken into 3 events (one for each baltic state)
- SOV fix to garrison buildup in response to GER border buildup when trying to invade FIN
- SOV fixed a bug that caused SOV to get a quick jump on FIN
- SOV fixed a Murmansk garrison bug
- SOV had a bug fix in his new Finland AI
- SOV 修正生產AI裡的一個小臭虫
- SOV 對部長AI做了一些調整
- SOV 新的生產優先性AI
- SOV 如果德國由玩家控制, 它會更加聰明的生產
- SOV 在對德國作戰,如果占有優勢,會知道如何反攻
- SOV 知道如何監視和德國的國界(if historical),而且會試著配合生產
- SOV 知道如何使用它的部長
- SOV should no longer charge into ROM when GER DOWs them
- SOV should not cave into demands very easily
- SOV Upgrade cap to 0.15 whilte at war
- SOV Upgrade cap to 0.25 while at peace
- SOV 和平時期會聚集更多的資源在升級單位
- SOV will load a handicap AI against GER to give them a chance on invasion
- SOV will now monitor GER aggression against the Baltics and Turkey
- SOV will now react to an aggressive Germany better he may push into the baltics and poland early to get to Germany
- SOV will take advantage of the 36GC and mass build IC
- SOV 修正冬季戰爭(被德國攻擊)的觸發事件

*** 美國 AI (USA)
- USA DDay AI 作了大幅度的改善
- USA DDay AI will reload if he gets pushed out of France
- USA had a bug fix to his invade UK AI
- USA 修正了生產AI中的一個臭虫
- USA 航母科技加入美國的優先研發清單中
- USA had more changes done to his DDay
- 美國有新的本土防禦AI。它會大量建造地面武力來保衛美國。當你入侵美國時,這個AI事件會被觸發多次。
- USA 新的部長 AI
- USA 對於義大利,德國及日本,有更複雜的禁運AI
- USA has a new construction AI that will fluctuate with his main enemies builds
- USA 新的入侵義大利 AI
- 如果英國被敵人占領,美國會入侵英國
- 如果美英處於戰爭之中,它會入侵英國
- 美國不再接受軸心國的白紙和平(white peace)
- 美國在1936GC的劇本有優勢,且有大量的IC
- USA will try and keep his transport fleet up

*** 歐洲次要國家 AI
- AUS 將中立性由30提升至90
- BEL 有DDay AI
- BUL 新的部長 AI
- BUL will send EXP forces to Germany
- FIN had some bug fixes to various AI events
- FIN 新的部長 AI
- FIN has a new Winter War AI (not so aggressive) he tries to protect his home country mainly
- FIN 將中立性由30提升至70
- FIN will no longer auto join a German AI if he has hardly any army left from the winter war
- GRE 將中立性由80提升至90
- HOL 有DDay AI
- HOL has a much more complicated Embargo AI against ITA, GER and JAP
- HUN 新的部長 AI
- HUN should cover the SOV border if he goes aggressive
- HUN will go on the offensive and invade other countries if CZE caves in to his territorial demands
- HUN will go up to 95% of his forces as EXP to GER when atwar with SOV
- IRE 新的部長 AI
- IRE 將中立性由80提升至90
- NOR 將中立性由30提升至90
- POL will defend his entire border until he views GER as a large threat then he will switch everything against GER
- POR 將中立性由95提升至100
- ROM 新的部長 AI
- ROM will go up to 90% of his forces as EXP to GER when atwar with SOV
- ROM, BUL, HUN events for handing YUG territory to GER (AI Controlled) had a bug fix
- SLO should not cave into HUN demands so easily anymore
- SLO will no longer send EXP forces to Finland
- SPA (44 scenario) raised neutrality from 80 to 120
- SPA 新的部長 AI
-- SPA/SPR 不再對 Slovakia 宣戰
- SPR 新的部長 AI
- SPR/SPA had neutrality increased once the civil war starts
- SWE 新的部長 AI
- SCH 新的部長 AI
- TUR 新的部長 AI
- YUG 新的部長 AI

*** 美洲次要國家 AI
- ARG 新的部長 AI
- ARG 將中立性由80提升至95
- BOL 將中立性由80提升至95
- BRA 新的部長 AI
- CHL 新的部長 AI
- CHL 將中立性由80提升至95
- COL 新的部長 AI
- COL 將中立性由80提升至95
- COS 新的部長 AI
- CUB 新的部長 AI
- DOM 新的部長 AI
- ECU 新的部長 AI
- ECU 將中立性由80提升至90
- GUA 新的部長 AI
- HAI 新的部長 AI
- HON 新的部長 AI
- MEX 有DDay AI
- MEX 新的部長 AI
- MEX 將中立性由80提升至95
- NIC 新的部長 AI
- PAN 新的部長 AI
- VEN 新的部長 AI
- VEN 將中立性由80提升至95
- URU 新的部長 AI

*** 亞洲戰場 AI
- CHC had a change to his inherit CHI event to make it harder for them to be inherited
- SIA 如果與日本聯盟且未與英國作戰, 會派出50%的軍隊給日本作為遠征軍
- CGX had bug fixes done to his ChinaFeeder event chain
- CGX 如果(固有)領土被佔領,CGX它將會(主動)攻擊日軍
- CGX 大部分的情勢下,它會將所有的部隊交由中華民國控制
- CHC 修正了一個臭虫,這個臭虫使CHC太具侵略性
- CHC had a 120 day handicapp added against CXB and CHI
- CHC 移除對CHI的被動性
- CHC 對日本的 AI 變得較為防禦性; 但是如果領土被佔領或蘇聯對日本宣戰,它將會(主動)攻擊日本
- CHC 如果中華民國由AI控制, 中共會離開統一戰線,但是會同意中華民國軍事通行. 它不會接受任何人的和平協議
- CHI EXP Force feeder from Warlords will adjust up and down to keep a 0.8 ratio with AI JAP or 1.2 ratio with Human JAP
- CHI 修正了一個問題. 此問題造成中華民國太具侵略性(比起它應該有的)
- CHI had bug fixes done to his ChinaFeeder event chain
- CHI 在與日本作戰時,它的被動性與不利條件被移除了
- CHI 移除對CHC的被動性
- CHI 對日抗戰的部隊設定作了一些修改
- CHI 現在知道如何使用它的部長了
- CHI 會根據領土被占領的數量調整對日本的策略,如果被占領的領土過多(比歷史上多),它會猛烈地反攻 (只有 AI vs AI)
- CHI 會集中更多的資源在升級而非新建單位
- CHI 較少對日本(AI控制)發動反攻...CHI會慢慢地使自己力竭
- CXB had a bug fix to his border Garrison force shifting AI
- CXB had bug fixes done to his ChinaFeeder event chain
- CXB 現在在36GC中, 將獲得 0.4 的 exp
- CXB 大部分的情勢下,它會將所有的部隊交由中華民國控制
- CYN had bug fixes done to his ChinaFeeder event chain
- CYN 如果(固有)領土被佔領,CYN將會(主動)攻擊日軍
- CZE resistant to claims has been raised a little
- MEN 新的AI
- MON will only release EXP forces to SOV under certain conditions
- NEP 新的部長 AI
- NZL 新的部長 AI
- SIK had bug fixes done to his ChinaFeeder event chain
- TAN will only release EXP forces to SOV under certain conditions
- 軍閥事件從AI_CHI.txt移至適當的檔案
- Warlords have a new EXP force feeder AI that will try and keep JAP and CHI at a 0.8 military ratio instead of sending everything in one shot
- Warlords should not longer accept white peace with JA

*** Misc National AI.
- LIB 新的部長 AI
- PHI had his builds adjusted to build more ships
- SAL 新的部長 AI
- SAU 新的部長 AI

HOI2 1.03 中譯 Part III

** 德國 AI (GER)
- GER AI has 3 sub patrol patern AIs which he will select one every 2 months
- GER Air AI completely re-written with new event codding. Germany will now adjust his air missions depending on circumstances in game. He will also refresh his Air AI every single month to fix the sleeping air ai bug
- GER allied with SPA/SPR he will not wait till the spring to attack FRA
- GER and ITA will replace their lost paratroopers if they have transport planes
- GER attack on YUG AI tweaked to be more aggressive
- GER 對蘇聯宣戰的改進: 從七月開始,在宣戰前,它會每天檢查它有多少部隊在前線(德蘇邊界)
- GER Fixed and issue where German subs where going through areas and virtually commiting suicide
- GER fixed the Stuggart empty province when attacking POL bug
- GER Garrisoning of the Baltic beaches updated with the new flag event design it will now fire as many time as need be no matter how back and forth the allies do to get access to the baltic
- GER had a bug fix in his Russian invasion buildup AI
- GER had a fix in his YUG buildup AI that would cause French beaches not to be covered
- GER had another bug fix in his buildup on the Russian front AI
- GER had another change to his minister AI
- GER had his monitoring of the Baltic for enemy ships tweeked
- GER had Lomza (486) added to his buildup for Russian invasion
- GER had some tweeks to his minister AI
- GER had the entire Baltic added to CORE list in admiral section
- GER 新的生產 AI
- GER 強化的海獅計劃(Sea Lion) AI
- GER 如果不處於戰爭中,Hopener將成為參謀總長
- GER invading norway will concentrate his fleets better for this
- GER 入侵法國 AI 作了一點改善
- GER invasion of NOR, SWE or FIN AI has been changed to now execute under certain conditions and no longer dependent on the Atmark event.
- GER 調整入侵挪威 AI
- GER 如果德國計劃入侵蘇聯,入侵Yugoslavia將會發生
- GER 如果對蘇聯作戰, Jodl將成為參謀總長
- GER Learned how to attack Poland due to an early war with France if he is planning on attacking Russia
- GER 知道如何增強(國力)及入侵南斯拉夫
- GER 在入侵西班牙之前,知道如何增強(國力)
- GER 佑道如何更換部長以得到較好的效率
- GER Learned how to mass at the low countries before he invades (if early war starts)
- GER Minister AI changed a little due to changes in minister traits
- GER minor tweek to minister AI
- GER 不再生產戰略飛彈
- GER 如果是傀儡國, 它不會對任何人宣戰
- GER switches to a standard front AI on occasion to save supply usage (more like camp up for the winter and wait)
- GER updated for Armament minister changes
- GER 如果對蘇聯作戰, Von Bock將成為陸軍總司令
- GER 將在二月入侵 YUG, 而非三月
- GER 將多生產一些陸軍單位
- GER 在36GC中,將儘早多生產一些運輸艦(有助於進攻挪威)
- GER will build less transport planes (changed to reactive AI file)
- GER will build max 2 air transports and try and always keep it at 2
- GER 會生產一些戰略轟炸機
- GER 如果沒有運輸艦可以入侵,會取消海獅計劃轉而入侵蘇聯
- GER will garrison some of the ports on the French and German coast
- GER will keep a solid presence of submarines
- GER will keep his cap at about 10 subs during peace and when atwar he will go up to 20
- GER will keep his fleets in the Atlantic, Med and Northesea area
- GER 如果對蘇聯作戰, 它將不再對FIN派遣遠征軍
- GER will no longer send EXP forces to anyone (this solved the ships in the channel problem and trying to go to Ethiopia)
- GER will no longer send EXP forces to FIN (was causing to many probs in Norway)
- GER will no longer send his fleet out into the Atlantic if a historical game is going on till he starts his low countries invasion
- GER will send ITA allot of troops to defend Italy under certain conditions
- GER 除非陸軍的數量是蘇聯的4/5或更多,不然不會對蘇聯宣戰
- GER Yugoslavia invasion AI tweaked
- GER Paratrooper Reactive events are turned back on
- GER 修正冬季戰爭(攻擊蘇聯)的觸發事件

*** 義大利 AI (ITA)
- ITA 修正保持10個師在衣索匹亞的臭虫
- ITA builds changed slightly
- ITA 修正入侵希臘的臭虫,如果領土被法國佔領,它不會入侵希臘
- ITA had his early years garrison AI adjusted
- ITA 新的生產AI
- ITA 新的部長AI
- ITA has a new Air AI that decides prios between Naval and Ground support
- ITA Home garrison multiplier lowered to 0.5 unless threatened
- ITA Invasion AI to switches around with Naval AI beach prios
- ITA 改善入侵希臘的AI
- ITA neutrality lowered when certain conditions are met (was 95 now goes down to 50)
- ITA switching between his Russian, Greece and Homeland AIs have been improved and updated to new style so they can switch around as much as needed
- ITA will build a paratrooper(AI_Reactive.txt)
- ITA will no longer send EXP forces to GER, ROM, HUN, BUL, FIN this is to keep his nav bombers in the Med
- ITA will release more troops for combat once Greece Falls
- ITA Will research Multi Role Fighters
- ITA will tighten his homeland defenses under certain conditions
- ITA Paratrooper Reactive events are turned back on
- ITA has a new Naval AI that will shift it's forces around the Med (including subs in the Altantic)

*** 日本 AI (JAP)
- JAP 36GC 的生產 AI 不只會生產面單位,現在也會生產驅逐艦
- JAP 修正了一個 backoff AI 的問題.這個問題會導至 JAP 前線的部隊"睡著"
- JAP had a bug in build prios missing 4 points in 1936 AI
- JAP 修正了一個在太平洋戰爭AI中的重大臭虫. 這個臭虫導致日本在佔領菲律賓(PHI)後停止行動
- JAP 航母科技加入日本的優先研發清單中
- JAP 攻擊中國的 AI 作了大幅加強
- JAP 如果中國(CHI)不是由玩家控制,它的backoff AI不會起動
- JAP 對它的部長 AI 作了小修改
- JAP had some changes to his build AI weights and front distribution
- JAP 生產運輸船 AI 總是會試圖維持 10 艘運輸船的數量
- JAP 現在有本土防衛 AI
- JAP has a new Air AI that prios and shifts when need be
- JAP 現在有新的生產 AI. 它會根據敵人的行動而有說改變
- JAP 現在有一個新的被動式 AI. 如果它控制的印度支那且泰國與之同盟,它會被動地攻擊 CGX 及 CYN
- JAP has an entire new Pacific War AI that shifts prios around in the Pacific as need be
- JAP invasion of PHI AI had his Naval AI tightened up to be more focused
- JAP 現在會根據遊戲的狀況變換它的部長
- JAP 部長會改變生產的優先次序
- JAP no longer has any passitivity for most of the warlords
- JAP should loose less ground to CHI if he taks Hainan
- JAP should no longer accept white peace from Warlords
- JAP 在1940年不會再對他的盟友宣戰
- JAP 如果美國是它的傀儡國,它不會再對美國宣戰
- JAP some changes to his backoff garrison AI to help with Pacific War
- JAP updated with new beaches
- JAP will adjust himself in attacking China and increase the amount of territory he wants on an anual basis if he looses territory he will go back on the attack if he is below his quota (AI vs AI only)
- JAP 總是會維持它在太平洋區域的艦隊
- JAP 將對UAS, ENG, FRA 及 SOV 作更多的外交抵抗
- JAP 如果中國的中部或南方沒有軍隊駐防,日本會從這裡入侵
- JAP will monitor Chinas politics and get involved if it feels threatened
- JAP 會監視中國的政治情勢,如果感到威脅,它將會介入
- JAP 如果是 AI vs AI, 日本不會自中國中部入侵
- JAP will use his Prince of Terror minister under certain circumstances

HOI2 1.03 中譯 Part II

******* 介面增強 **********
- 介面: 現在可以依照軍團的屬性排序
- Current capital is now shown on the capital button in a province instead of 'set capital'.
- Added amounts to tooltips for metal energy etc in province list.

******* AI 改進 *******

** 雜項
- 重寫貿易AI. 現在至少會觀察30天的收入,取代之前只看當時的狀況
- 如果在軍事控制之下,AI不會在試圖撤退
- 在許多(不同的)國家增加優先的教範
- 陸軍科技被加入所有國家的優先研發清單內

** 生產 AI
- Added some inertia to the AI's slider management.
- 改善 AI 的生產邏輯, 修正腳本中一些會忽略 preferences set 的臭虫
- Rewrote some aspects of the "relative=no buildscheme" to make it spread even between land/naval/air depending on script.
- 改善 AI 使它總是傾向生產目前科技樹中最新的單位

** 陸軍 AI
- AI 會分析敵方省份的要塞強度. 舊的評估腳本並未支援
- 改善AI部署部隊的演算法. 如果它有多個重要的戰線, 它便會將部署到這些戰線.
- Improved AI reaction for garrison and reserves.
- 對於由玩家所控制的國家,被動性(passivity)會被忽略
- 在決定是否要撤退時, AI會考慮同戰場上盟國的部隊.
- Changed alot of global odds calculations.
- All AI Files updated to have several more front AI parms use the settings right from the exe
- Garrison AI now ignores bombers bombing the ground when considering combats it must garrison against.

** 海軍 AI
- AI's ASW units will no longer move into areas where they are scripted to ignore.
- Rewrote AI fleet composition logics to use carriers almost exclusively in battle fleets instead of in small ASW fleets.
- AI 不會在把它的運輸艦停在海上空等.
- 當達成和平協議後, 海軍AI不會讓它的反潛艦隊停留在海上.
- Wolfpack AI are now more likely to actually go out and sink enemy shipping.
- Rewrote logics for invasion, and the AI will now actually do lots of them.
- The transportation/invasion AI now reacts a fair bit quicker.
- 修正運輸AI的一個問題. 它會拒絕對某些地形(types)的領土做補給
- All minors have naval specifc areas where their fleets will stay in.
- AI現在知道如何增援自敵方占領的海外領土
- 改變海軍AI, 它會更加集中它的攻擊艦隊

** 空軍 AI
- AI 在執行空中任務時, 它的空軍單位至少會有50%的組織和力量
- 對其邏輯作了一些加強, 原本的有時會使空軍 AI 在轉移基地後睡著


- ENG 現在會部署較好的陸軍單位在英倫三島
- ENG had his prefered ports changed slightly so its harder for GER to get to them
- ENG had a change in his Battle for Britain AI so he does not shift his troops in the UK around so much
- ENG added Glasgow to coastal fort list in 36
- ENG added SAF to his preferd trading list
- ENG 調整1936的生產 AI, 它會生產較少的陸軍和較多的驅逐艦
- ENG 修正生產 AI中的臭虫
- ENG had a few beaches in Africa and the Middle East put on ignore for garrison purposes
- ENG had his builds adjusted slightly
- ENG had his Naval AI enhanced to ignore the pacific if Japan is at war with them and the USA
- ENG 對其研發的優先次序作了些微的調整
- ENG had some fixes in his Naval AI when ignoring the Med if Italy is atwar with them
- ENG 新的部長 AI
- ENG has a new Air AI that adjust to enemy fleets moving near its home country and when he invades Europe
- ENG has a new construction AI that will fluctuate with his main enemies builds
- ENG 新的入侵義大利 AI
- ENG has a new naval AI (should make it harder for GER to trick him to port strike and counter with nav bombers)
- ENG Naval AI learned how to monitor his naval combat ability to fight in the med.
- ENG no longer has a target list for the admiral section
- ENG should do a better job protecting his beaches
- 英國不在對軸心國提供白和平
- 英國會在本土的大部分海岸建立沿海砲台
- 英國會鞏固亞歷山大
- 英國不會在直布羅陀建立沿海砲台(現在會建造標準炮台)
- 在1936GC的劇本裡,英國會放更多的部隊在本土,而非海外領土
- ENG will rotate his naval AI if he detects USA launching D-Day and send EXP forces
- ENG will try and keep his transport fleet up
- ENG will turn his Norway invasion on and off as needed
- ENG will no longer send their fleets near the coast of Norway or Germany
- AST had his builds adjusted
- AST had his EXP force ration lowered from 0.25 to 0.15
- AST 新的部長 AI
- AST 將中立性由50提升至80
- SAF 新的部長 AI
- SAF 將中立性由50提升至80
- CAN 新的部長 AI
- CAN no longer has a target list for the admiral section
- CAN 將中立性由50提升至80

** 法國 AI (FRA+VIC)
- FRA 修正一個臭虫. 法國會不斷地向挪威的海岸派遣艦隊
- FRA had some beaches around the world put on ignore list
- FRA 本土防衛AI(它會試著將入侵的軍隊推出法國)
- FRA 新的部長 AI
- FRA 新的生產AI,會根據它的敵人的行動做切換
- FRA no longer has a target list for the admiral section
- 在等待德國進攻時,法國不會再嘗試入丹麥
- FRA will defend SPA/SPR border if ITA DOW either SPR/SPA them
- 如果西班牙或西班牙共合國與德國或蘇聯同盟,它會防衛法西邊界
- FRA will ignore borders with CYN and CGX plus his overseas garrison has been adjusted
- FRA 不再派遣艦隊接近挪威或德國的海岸
- 維琪法國已經調整了駐軍AI。它現在會保留大部分的陸軍在本國
- 維琪法國現在會在本土及海外領土駐軍

星期二, 12月 20, 2005


HOI2 1.03 中譯 Part I

******* 遊戲平衝 *******

** 外交
- Coups now have a much bigger chance to actually succeed.
- 現在傀儡國無法邀請它的宗主國進入聯盟.(傀儡國無法發起聯盟??)
- 現在解放傀儡國可以降低更多的異議值
- You now recieve a boost of 2 steps on interventonism instead of 1 whenever someone atacks someone you guarantee.

** 一般軍事
- 當進攻盟國海外領土時, 聯盟中較大的國家會控制進攻的省,以維持補給的一致性
- 修正了一個臭虫. 當你解放自敵方佔領的省, 你會失去控制權. 現在你可以直接控制它了
- 修正了一個漏洞. 這個漏洞允許某人立即部署軍團,that are in delayed strat-redeploy.
- 重新平衡了游擊隊和運輸船隊的設定
- 每當新的模組研發完成之後, 舊的會自動被丟棄. 當然這對艦隊是無效的.
- 部長對科技的加成現在有效了
- 再也無法觀察敵人省份的雷達/火箭基地/核電廠

** 陸軍
- Due to fun exploits 重新部署的現在儘可能的被部署回它們出發的省份或者最近的控制省份.
- Brigades can now be assigned to units in provinces that have the same owner as the owner of the unit.
- 當行軍速度 1 km/h 至 3 km/h, 包圍或突破發生的機率為 10%. 上限為 40%
- 當部隊徹退時,若目的省份及出發省份皆被敵人所控制,該部會被消減.
- 略微降低高階步兵的堅韌度
- 提高早期 MOT 師的堅韌度至 2, 約等於對應的 INF
- 現在當MOT和MEC的等級提升後,它們的非裝甲度會降低.
- 寒凍及泥濘對運動及攻擊的懲罰加倍
- 現在,加強旅對補給及油料的用量是原本的40%.
- 現在,重裝甲旅及超級重裝甲旅可以配署給 INF 了.(如果你夠笨的話)
- 山地師及海陸師的人力需求由10增加到15, 像傘兵那樣. (-->精英部隊)
- 山地師,海陸師及傘兵師的建立時間增加30天
- 山地師,海陸師及傘兵師的科技難度加 1. (5->6)
- 修改工兵旅的屬性如下: MP 需求由2.0->2.5, 降低速度加成由1->0.5,增加少量(0.2)的油料需求, 它們依然是堅強的旅,但是不會那麼無腦(應該是指玩家不會狂生吧
- 山地師,海陸師及傘兵師的科技樹小副修改及一個臭虫
- 降低警衛軍的 MP 需求
- 降低36年及39年的步兵師速度1點 (5-->4)

** 海軍
- 對 CV 和 CAG 的平衡作了大修改
- Tweaked the CL subattack values to 1-1-2-2-3-4 in that order of appearance
- Tweaked the DD ranges to be the same as the various CL ranges
- 修正了核子戰鬥巡洋艦的可攻擊範圍(range不知是指啥個值)
- 略微降低潛艦的防空能力.
- Research difficulty of legged division types raised by 1 across the board.
- Research difficulty for most brigades dropped by 2 across the board.

** 空軍
- 只有在空優任務中,空軍才攻擊同省份的其他飛機
- 增加空中封鎖的效率66%.
- AA(防空旅)的起始效率現在是10%
- 降低防空炮台的效率.
- 重寫對地攻擊和空中封鎖的目標(選擇)演算法,儘可能的針對戰鬥中的單位
- 空戰的經驗值由2.25降為2
- 稍微減少運輸機的花費
- 每一級海轟(NAV) 的對海攻擊(NA)減3
- 給予 CAS 和同等級的海轟-2的對海攻擊. 所以如果 NAV 的 NA是 9,那麼同級的 CAS 會是 7
- 給予 TAC 的戰略轟炸 +2 的微調
- 增加飛彈及火箭的花費(飛彈 2 IC, 3 for the first two rockets, ICBM 4 IC)
- 降低防空炮兵的起始效率; 現在,它們的效率會隨著開發高階防空炮兵而呈指數增加
- CAS 的軟殺(對步兵)及硬殺(裝甲)的值在每一級分別增加了2,2,3,3. CAS gets an additional 1 point in Hard Attack at Improved and Advanced models.
- 在對抗空中轟炸時,海軍的"堆壘懲罰"現在正確的生效了,

** 經濟
- 傀儡國的資源池由100增加為1000
- 現在可以在佔領的領土上興建海岸要塞,陸上要塞,防空炮台,基礎建設,空軍基地,海軍基地,電達,核電廠,火箭測試場及工廠
- 增加許多科技團隊,將領及政府官員.
- 減少電達站的花費,由3至2

星期五, 7月 01, 2005


HOI2 日本

版本:1.02 + DavidDog 1.6中文化

劇本:1936年 難度:normal IA侵略性:normal



承德:步兵師(炮兵旅)x 8 + 司令部(炮兵旅)x 1

步兵師(炮兵旅)x 5
步兵師(裝甲車旅)x 2
步兵師(工兵旅)x 6
司令部(炮兵旅)x 2

步兵師(炮兵旅)x 3
騎兵師x 6

海陸師 x 6
步兵師x 7




大約消滅15個師的敵軍;第一個裝甲軍團成立(3 x 中戰車),登陸連雲港;以長江為界,切割中國戰區;此時中國的軍隊大部都在北方(晉系的領土),南方大約只需要18個師(6個騎兵師+12個步兵師)就可以搞定;南方戰線分三個方向推進,6個騎兵師走沿海,6個師走中路,6個師沿長江南岸推進;江北的戰場以圍困,消滅中國的部隊為主

星期一, 6月 27, 2005




步兵師(炮兵旅)x 8 + 司令部(炮兵旅)x 1

步兵師(炮兵旅)x 3 + 步兵師(裝甲車旅)x 2司令部(炮兵旅)x 1
步兵師(工兵旅)x 3
步兵師(工兵旅)x 3
步兵師(炮兵旅)x 1
步兵師(炮兵旅)x 1
司令部(炮兵旅)x 1

步兵師(炮兵旅)x 1
步兵師(炮兵旅)x 1
步兵師(炮兵旅)x 1
騎兵師x 3
騎兵師x 3

海陸師 x 3
海陸師x 1
海陸師x 1
海陸師x 1
步兵師x 3
步兵師x 1
步兵師x 1
步兵師x 1
步兵師x 1


大約消滅15個師的敵軍;第一個裝甲軍團成立(3 x 中戰車),登陸連雲港;以長江為界,切割中國戰區;此時中國的軍隊大部都在北方(晉系的領土),南方大約只需要18個師(6個騎兵師+12個步兵師)就可以搞定;南方戰線分三個方向推進,6個騎兵師走沿海,6個師走中路,6個師沿長江南岸推進;江北的戰場以圍困,消滅中國的步隊為主

星期一, 6月 20, 2005



energy +5000 能源
metal +5000 金屬
oil +5000 石油
rare +5000 稀有金屬(在v1.2之前, 作弊碼是 "rubber")
money +500 錢
supplies +5000 補給
nuke +1 核彈
manpower +5000 人力資源

nofog 關閉戰爭之霧,可以看到所有國家的軍事部署

星期五, 6月 10, 2005


HOI2 日本的策略---翻譯自HOI2Wiki


日 本必須擴 張以達繁榮. First off reslove to be in combat for most of your existence,這不有趣,但關係到國家的存亡.就如同歷史上的日本,在HOI中,你極度需要資源.所以,你要從那裡得資源?當然,你得從別的國家那 裡獲得,但不是現在.努力爭取時間,準備並讓重大事件為你所用.


* 將所有level 1的船艦退役,它們亳無用處,只會浪費你的補給;但是create man-made reefs whenever they get into action
* 將所有的島嶼上的戊衛部隊運送回國,它們的火力和真正的部隊相比,是不足為道的;但是當皇軍橫掃中國時,他們可以幫你維持中國占領區的秩序.
* 請愛用”輪胎”的加成,一開始就要建立它,並在1937年6月前把它們附加在你現有的師.建立20個帶有工兵旅(速度及防禦)或炮兵旅(火力)的陸軍師 and 10 garrison divisions along with 20 MP brigades is a good idea. Attach the extra MP brigades to existing garrisons.這些師必須先運回日本本土才能獲得這些加強旅.
* 重編你的艦隊,他們能支援登陸中國沿海並把中國的艦隊困在港口內.


* 工業:儘可能提高工業科技(特別是能增加 man power(人力), 增加IC(工業能力),增加IC efficiency(IC效能),縮短生產時間,增加研發效率)
* 陸軍:建立海軍陸戰隊
* 戰鬥機/攔截機:get one of them but think twice before trying to get both of them
* 海軍:航空母艦是必須的


* USA:戰前最好的貿易伙伴.賣出補給或多餘的資源交換不足的資源
* Siam:最友好的國家之一.但是他沒有太多的資源


在部隊整備完成之後,將它們移防到日本在中國佔領的省份 (Tangshan, Changde Erenhot).這可能會將所有的部隊移出本土,對於(遊戲)AI來說,日韓是完全對立的.用利滿州國的部隊來防禦和蘇聯的邊界.


在戰爭一開始,用在中國的部隊入侵Shanxi clique(晉系軍閥).攻擊所有相鄰的鄰土並且保持前進.當晉系失去夠多的VPs(勝利點數),中國民國會併吞它.





During your advance (and later, occupation) partisan will prove to be a very annoying menace. It reduces your transport capacity, may spark revolt and if it is high enough, it can reduce your IC. Use garrisons with MP brigades to reduce the partisan rating of occupied provinces. To move the garrison, you need to do strategic redeployment, which will tax your TC.












星期四, 6月 09, 2005


Virtoria使用China的指南-適用1.03 or 1.03b



RP:0(RP必須大於或等於0,才能透過外交買科技,開發一個科技在投入RP 10的情況下須一年)

steel(鋼鐵) Buy < 100
lumber(木材) Buy < 100
cement(水泥) Buy < 100
small arms(輕武器) Buy < 50
canned food(罐頭食品) Buy < 50
Machine parts(機械零件) Buy < 20

把在北京的32個綠營[1]拆成3個 Crop(12 division,10 division, 10 division),12個division移防到大理,另二個移防到廣州。而且要記得生3個將領帶領他們。八旗不動留在北京。

設定好之後讓遊戲開始自己跑。只要隨時注意cement買到的手沒(在 Product選單中,可以看到國內各項產品的存量),通常在1836年底會買到手,最遲在1837年會買到,一買到就立刻建殖民地。以下列為首選
State(州) 省的個數 地點
Okinawa 2 日本和台灣中間的二個小島
Bonin 1 日本旁邊
Rio de Oro 2 西北非
Cameroon(喀麥隆) 3 西非中部
Middle Way 1 太平洋中間

等到殖民地建好之後,大約是1837~1838之間內,這時候開始注意法國(France)的interchange part開發出來了沒(選地圖上法國的領土,選relation->open negotiation,選科技選單,可以看到法國目前有那些科技)。一旦發現法國開出interchangable parts,不計代價搶下(先用改善關係,用最後一個DI去交易科技)。
至少要換以下科技;Flintlock Rifles(燧發式火槍), Freedom of Trade(自由貿易), Interchange Part(可交換零件);有餘力的話可以加買一個Experimental Railroad(實驗鐵路)。

其次在Zhili(直隸)建立steel factory(鋼鐡廠)和cement factory(水泥), lumber mill(木材廠)則可建在Hubei(湖北)或Kwangtung (廣東)。這二個State的人口都蠻多的,但是Hubei的主要人口是beifaren (北方人),廣州則是nanfaren(南方人)。中國的主流文化是manchu(滿州人), mongo(蒙古人),beifaren(北方人),所以建在南方的工廠效率大部分會減半(全國有一半人口是非主流文化???)。
Luxury clothes (豪華服飾) Buy < 5
Luxury furniture(豪華家俱) Buy < 5
Regular clothes(一般服飾) Buy < 10
Furniture(家俱) Buy < 10
paper(紙) Buy < 20
precious metals(貴金屬) Buy < 20(如果國內有產(山東),改成Sell < 20)
Tobacco(煙斗) Buy < 10

同時要不斷的建軍,一個以5個division為單位。最好在1838年年底完成40個infantry division和9個cavalry division的建立(先infantry,後cavalry)。以下是軍隊部署(依次部署)

Yantai(煙台) 5個步兵師
Dali(大理) 10個步兵師(加之前的12個綠營)
Shaozhou 20個步兵師(2個Crop,香港一被吃掉就把其中一個往香港拉)
Guangzhou(廣州) 5個步兵師(加之前的20個綠營)
北平 5個八旗
其他 9個騎兵師以3個division組成一個Crop,鎮壓國內叛亂。


鴉片戰爭的輸贏[2]會影響中國未來的走向,主要是自強運動。自強運動的功能是會觸發事件,取得科技 。可是英國可能會隨時來煩你。


1. education拉滿,defense拉到20%(10%,不要變0)。
2. 慢慢的把未文明化之前的軍隊換掉[3] 。
3. 開採國內天然資源。
4. 興建工廠,人口升級;工廠內的Clerk和Craftsmen大約是2:3。初期以重工業和軍火工業為主;新疆產sulphur,是軍火工業的初級原料;一般來說,這個東西在國際市場上買不到,所以用量不要超過產量。
5. 換科技;PR值一補滿就換科技

1. 執行外交的成功率和這個值有極大的關連,bb值太高,即使關係全滿(200),也要付出很多的錢來換。所以請隨時注意你的bb值(F12->badboy即可看到現在的值)

1. 中國manpower多,可以用比較豪華的方式組成軍隊,個人偏好10 division為一個Crop,5 Guard+2 Aritillery+1 HQ+ 1 Engineer+ 1 Barrel。不能建的兵種就先把編制留下來,5G+2A也是很好用的。
2. 以上1 Crop需要 5x13+2x12+1x11+1x13+1x12=65+24+11+13+12=125,以中國的manpower,可以建立16個Crop

[2]要輸很容易,拿到white peace就算輸了。鴉片戰爭發生的時間是1839年7月7日(由英國觸發,玩到現在,每一次都會發生)。但是一定要在開化之後才接收英國的white peace。因為鴉片戰爭打輸之後,會有二個開放通商口岸的事件,這些事件無法選擇不要,prestige總共會被扣150,很傷的。另外,接束第一次鴉片戰爭一定要在1850年結束之前。一般正常的玩法應該都可以在1842到1846之間開化。
[3]文明化之前建的部隊都是Native。Native的軍隊是沒辦法出國打仗,因為它的attrition是10%(regular是3%的樣子),如果再加上bad climate或者disease什麼的,attrition會高的嚇人,部隊的減員將十分嚴重。

星期二, 6月 07, 2005


Victoria Patch 1.03c中譯

Need 1.03 or 1.03b previously installed.

- You can no longer deploy troops in provinces with enemy troops present.
- The Education Modifier now modifies RP gain correctly.
- Pops in colonies now only get half the income compared to homeprovince pops.
- Income assigned to pops off "non-accepted cultures" are now scaled depending on the minority policies of the ruling party.
- Capitalists and Aristocrat bonuses are now capped at 50%.
- Only level 1 factories will get burned down from random events now.
- Pops in colonies will not vote unless you have full citizenship.
- Newly created countries now get full cores.
- Forced disarmament now removes the entire mobilization pool for the target.
- All navalunits with shorebombardment attributes can now shore-bombard.
- Barrels and Infantry exploits should now work.
- Gas is now a lethal thing on the battlefield, especially if the opponent does not have any protection (+50% combatmod)
現在在戰場上,毒氣功擊是致命的,特別是當對方沒有防護時(+50% combatmod)
- You do not get nationalism in core-provinces after you conquer them.
- Corruption buildings are now checked each day.
- Immigrants will ignore reforms in countries with a debt.
- Reforms/Democratic quality of a country is now modified by that nations plurality when an immigrant selects country.
- Fixed quite a few bugs with tariff and subsidies calculation.
- Fixed a loophole which allowed cheats in multiplayer.
修正了一個漏洞,這個漏洞使得在多人模式下可以作弊 .
- The Add_pop event-command should now work with all cultures.
Add_pop 的命令現在對於所有的文化應該都可以正常運作
- It is no longer possible to trade for technologies which you do not have the prerequisites for.
- Inserted the Revolutions Mod into the game.
- "Slavery Hotly Debated In xxx" events will no longer appear after the Civil War.
"Slavery Hotly Debated In xxx"事件不會在(美國)內戰後出現
- "Bleeding Kansas" will not happen after the ACW.
- "Lincoln Assassinated" can happen even if he was not elected, and "Reconstruction" fires assuming the ACW event was fired and the USA and CSA are not currently at war.
- "Malthusian Thought" now increases colonial migration by 50%, not decreasing it as before.
- 1836: Corrected the spelling in the Zulu and Mexico OOB's.

星期三, 5月 18, 2005







星期日, 5月 08, 2005




1740太平山莊check in


星期四, 4月 28, 2005


Building cross-compiler for ARM in redhat 8.0

參考文件: <照著作就行了>
1.Building Soft-float Cross Tool Chain for ARM-linux

2.在build gcc之前要先把 arm-linux-*的tool export出來;export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PATH
3.最後一步無法成功(不過 build kernel 和 driver 並不需要 g++)

星期三, 4月 20, 2005

















太平山莊check in























星期一, 4月 11, 2005









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