星期三, 12月 21, 2005


HOI2 1.03 中譯 Part II

******* 介面增強 **********
- 介面: 現在可以依照軍團的屬性排序
- Current capital is now shown on the capital button in a province instead of 'set capital'.
- Added amounts to tooltips for metal energy etc in province list.

******* AI 改進 *******

** 雜項
- 重寫貿易AI. 現在至少會觀察30天的收入,取代之前只看當時的狀況
- 如果在軍事控制之下,AI不會在試圖撤退
- 在許多(不同的)國家增加優先的教範
- 陸軍科技被加入所有國家的優先研發清單內

** 生產 AI
- Added some inertia to the AI's slider management.
- 改善 AI 的生產邏輯, 修正腳本中一些會忽略 preferences set 的臭虫
- Rewrote some aspects of the "relative=no buildscheme" to make it spread even between land/naval/air depending on script.
- 改善 AI 使它總是傾向生產目前科技樹中最新的單位

** 陸軍 AI
- AI 會分析敵方省份的要塞強度. 舊的評估腳本並未支援
- 改善AI部署部隊的演算法. 如果它有多個重要的戰線, 它便會將部署到這些戰線.
- Improved AI reaction for garrison and reserves.
- 對於由玩家所控制的國家,被動性(passivity)會被忽略
- 在決定是否要撤退時, AI會考慮同戰場上盟國的部隊.
- Changed alot of global odds calculations.
- All AI Files updated to have several more front AI parms use the settings right from the exe
- Garrison AI now ignores bombers bombing the ground when considering combats it must garrison against.

** 海軍 AI
- AI's ASW units will no longer move into areas where they are scripted to ignore.
- Rewrote AI fleet composition logics to use carriers almost exclusively in battle fleets instead of in small ASW fleets.
- AI 不會在把它的運輸艦停在海上空等.
- 當達成和平協議後, 海軍AI不會讓它的反潛艦隊停留在海上.
- Wolfpack AI are now more likely to actually go out and sink enemy shipping.
- Rewrote logics for invasion, and the AI will now actually do lots of them.
- The transportation/invasion AI now reacts a fair bit quicker.
- 修正運輸AI的一個問題. 它會拒絕對某些地形(types)的領土做補給
- All minors have naval specifc areas where their fleets will stay in.
- AI現在知道如何增援自敵方占領的海外領土
- 改變海軍AI, 它會更加集中它的攻擊艦隊

** 空軍 AI
- AI 在執行空中任務時, 它的空軍單位至少會有50%的組織和力量
- 對其邏輯作了一些加強, 原本的有時會使空軍 AI 在轉移基地後睡著


- ENG 現在會部署較好的陸軍單位在英倫三島
- ENG had his prefered ports changed slightly so its harder for GER to get to them
- ENG had a change in his Battle for Britain AI so he does not shift his troops in the UK around so much
- ENG added Glasgow to coastal fort list in 36
- ENG added SAF to his preferd trading list
- ENG 調整1936的生產 AI, 它會生產較少的陸軍和較多的驅逐艦
- ENG 修正生產 AI中的臭虫
- ENG had a few beaches in Africa and the Middle East put on ignore for garrison purposes
- ENG had his builds adjusted slightly
- ENG had his Naval AI enhanced to ignore the pacific if Japan is at war with them and the USA
- ENG 對其研發的優先次序作了些微的調整
- ENG had some fixes in his Naval AI when ignoring the Med if Italy is atwar with them
- ENG 新的部長 AI
- ENG has a new Air AI that adjust to enemy fleets moving near its home country and when he invades Europe
- ENG has a new construction AI that will fluctuate with his main enemies builds
- ENG 新的入侵義大利 AI
- ENG has a new naval AI (should make it harder for GER to trick him to port strike and counter with nav bombers)
- ENG Naval AI learned how to monitor his naval combat ability to fight in the med.
- ENG no longer has a target list for the admiral section
- ENG should do a better job protecting his beaches
- 英國不在對軸心國提供白和平
- 英國會在本土的大部分海岸建立沿海砲台
- 英國會鞏固亞歷山大
- 英國不會在直布羅陀建立沿海砲台(現在會建造標準炮台)
- 在1936GC的劇本裡,英國會放更多的部隊在本土,而非海外領土
- ENG will rotate his naval AI if he detects USA launching D-Day and send EXP forces
- ENG will try and keep his transport fleet up
- ENG will turn his Norway invasion on and off as needed
- ENG will no longer send their fleets near the coast of Norway or Germany
- AST had his builds adjusted
- AST had his EXP force ration lowered from 0.25 to 0.15
- AST 新的部長 AI
- AST 將中立性由50提升至80
- SAF 新的部長 AI
- SAF 將中立性由50提升至80
- CAN 新的部長 AI
- CAN no longer has a target list for the admiral section
- CAN 將中立性由50提升至80

** 法國 AI (FRA+VIC)
- FRA 修正一個臭虫. 法國會不斷地向挪威的海岸派遣艦隊
- FRA had some beaches around the world put on ignore list
- FRA 本土防衛AI(它會試著將入侵的軍隊推出法國)
- FRA 新的部長 AI
- FRA 新的生產AI,會根據它的敵人的行動做切換
- FRA no longer has a target list for the admiral section
- 在等待德國進攻時,法國不會再嘗試入丹麥
- FRA will defend SPA/SPR border if ITA DOW either SPR/SPA them
- 如果西班牙或西班牙共合國與德國或蘇聯同盟,它會防衛法西邊界
- FRA will ignore borders with CYN and CGX plus his overseas garrison has been adjusted
- FRA 不再派遣艦隊接近挪威或德國的海岸
- 維琪法國已經調整了駐軍AI。它現在會保留大部分的陸軍在本國
- 維琪法國現在會在本土及海外領土駐軍
