星期三, 12月 21, 2005


HOI2 1.03 中譯 Part IV

*** 蘇聯 AI (SOV)
- SOV 修正臭虫,它會亳無理由的對德國宣戰
- SOV does a better buildup for the Winter War
- SOV DOWing of Baltic states event broken into 3 events (one for each baltic state)
- SOV fix to garrison buildup in response to GER border buildup when trying to invade FIN
- SOV fixed a bug that caused SOV to get a quick jump on FIN
- SOV fixed a Murmansk garrison bug
- SOV had a bug fix in his new Finland AI
- SOV 修正生產AI裡的一個小臭虫
- SOV 對部長AI做了一些調整
- SOV 新的生產優先性AI
- SOV 如果德國由玩家控制, 它會更加聰明的生產
- SOV 在對德國作戰,如果占有優勢,會知道如何反攻
- SOV 知道如何監視和德國的國界(if historical),而且會試著配合生產
- SOV 知道如何使用它的部長
- SOV should no longer charge into ROM when GER DOWs them
- SOV should not cave into demands very easily
- SOV Upgrade cap to 0.15 whilte at war
- SOV Upgrade cap to 0.25 while at peace
- SOV 和平時期會聚集更多的資源在升級單位
- SOV will load a handicap AI against GER to give them a chance on invasion
- SOV will now monitor GER aggression against the Baltics and Turkey
- SOV will now react to an aggressive Germany better he may push into the baltics and poland early to get to Germany
- SOV will take advantage of the 36GC and mass build IC
- SOV 修正冬季戰爭(被德國攻擊)的觸發事件

*** 美國 AI (USA)
- USA DDay AI 作了大幅度的改善
- USA DDay AI will reload if he gets pushed out of France
- USA had a bug fix to his invade UK AI
- USA 修正了生產AI中的一個臭虫
- USA 航母科技加入美國的優先研發清單中
- USA had more changes done to his DDay
- 美國有新的本土防禦AI。它會大量建造地面武力來保衛美國。當你入侵美國時,這個AI事件會被觸發多次。
- USA 新的部長 AI
- USA 對於義大利,德國及日本,有更複雜的禁運AI
- USA has a new construction AI that will fluctuate with his main enemies builds
- USA 新的入侵義大利 AI
- 如果英國被敵人占領,美國會入侵英國
- 如果美英處於戰爭之中,它會入侵英國
- 美國不再接受軸心國的白紙和平(white peace)
- 美國在1936GC的劇本有優勢,且有大量的IC
- USA will try and keep his transport fleet up

*** 歐洲次要國家 AI
- AUS 將中立性由30提升至90
- BEL 有DDay AI
- BUL 新的部長 AI
- BUL will send EXP forces to Germany
- FIN had some bug fixes to various AI events
- FIN 新的部長 AI
- FIN has a new Winter War AI (not so aggressive) he tries to protect his home country mainly
- FIN 將中立性由30提升至70
- FIN will no longer auto join a German AI if he has hardly any army left from the winter war
- GRE 將中立性由80提升至90
- HOL 有DDay AI
- HOL has a much more complicated Embargo AI against ITA, GER and JAP
- HUN 新的部長 AI
- HUN should cover the SOV border if he goes aggressive
- HUN will go on the offensive and invade other countries if CZE caves in to his territorial demands
- HUN will go up to 95% of his forces as EXP to GER when atwar with SOV
- IRE 新的部長 AI
- IRE 將中立性由80提升至90
- NOR 將中立性由30提升至90
- POL will defend his entire border until he views GER as a large threat then he will switch everything against GER
- POR 將中立性由95提升至100
- ROM 新的部長 AI
- ROM will go up to 90% of his forces as EXP to GER when atwar with SOV
- ROM, BUL, HUN events for handing YUG territory to GER (AI Controlled) had a bug fix
- SLO should not cave into HUN demands so easily anymore
- SLO will no longer send EXP forces to Finland
- SPA (44 scenario) raised neutrality from 80 to 120
- SPA 新的部長 AI
-- SPA/SPR 不再對 Slovakia 宣戰
- SPR 新的部長 AI
- SPR/SPA had neutrality increased once the civil war starts
- SWE 新的部長 AI
- SCH 新的部長 AI
- TUR 新的部長 AI
- YUG 新的部長 AI

*** 美洲次要國家 AI
- ARG 新的部長 AI
- ARG 將中立性由80提升至95
- BOL 將中立性由80提升至95
- BRA 新的部長 AI
- CHL 新的部長 AI
- CHL 將中立性由80提升至95
- COL 新的部長 AI
- COL 將中立性由80提升至95
- COS 新的部長 AI
- CUB 新的部長 AI
- DOM 新的部長 AI
- ECU 新的部長 AI
- ECU 將中立性由80提升至90
- GUA 新的部長 AI
- HAI 新的部長 AI
- HON 新的部長 AI
- MEX 有DDay AI
- MEX 新的部長 AI
- MEX 將中立性由80提升至95
- NIC 新的部長 AI
- PAN 新的部長 AI
- VEN 新的部長 AI
- VEN 將中立性由80提升至95
- URU 新的部長 AI

*** 亞洲戰場 AI
- CHC had a change to his inherit CHI event to make it harder for them to be inherited
- SIA 如果與日本聯盟且未與英國作戰, 會派出50%的軍隊給日本作為遠征軍
- CGX had bug fixes done to his ChinaFeeder event chain
- CGX 如果(固有)領土被佔領,CGX它將會(主動)攻擊日軍
- CGX 大部分的情勢下,它會將所有的部隊交由中華民國控制
- CHC 修正了一個臭虫,這個臭虫使CHC太具侵略性
- CHC had a 120 day handicapp added against CXB and CHI
- CHC 移除對CHI的被動性
- CHC 對日本的 AI 變得較為防禦性; 但是如果領土被佔領或蘇聯對日本宣戰,它將會(主動)攻擊日本
- CHC 如果中華民國由AI控制, 中共會離開統一戰線,但是會同意中華民國軍事通行. 它不會接受任何人的和平協議
- CHI EXP Force feeder from Warlords will adjust up and down to keep a 0.8 ratio with AI JAP or 1.2 ratio with Human JAP
- CHI 修正了一個問題. 此問題造成中華民國太具侵略性(比起它應該有的)
- CHI had bug fixes done to his ChinaFeeder event chain
- CHI 在與日本作戰時,它的被動性與不利條件被移除了
- CHI 移除對CHC的被動性
- CHI 對日抗戰的部隊設定作了一些修改
- CHI 現在知道如何使用它的部長了
- CHI 會根據領土被占領的數量調整對日本的策略,如果被占領的領土過多(比歷史上多),它會猛烈地反攻 (只有 AI vs AI)
- CHI 會集中更多的資源在升級而非新建單位
- CHI 較少對日本(AI控制)發動反攻...CHI會慢慢地使自己力竭
- CXB had a bug fix to his border Garrison force shifting AI
- CXB had bug fixes done to his ChinaFeeder event chain
- CXB 現在在36GC中, 將獲得 0.4 的 exp
- CXB 大部分的情勢下,它會將所有的部隊交由中華民國控制
- CYN had bug fixes done to his ChinaFeeder event chain
- CYN 如果(固有)領土被佔領,CYN將會(主動)攻擊日軍
- CZE resistant to claims has been raised a little
- MEN 新的AI
- MON will only release EXP forces to SOV under certain conditions
- NEP 新的部長 AI
- NZL 新的部長 AI
- SIK had bug fixes done to his ChinaFeeder event chain
- TAN will only release EXP forces to SOV under certain conditions
- 軍閥事件從AI_CHI.txt移至適當的檔案
- Warlords have a new EXP force feeder AI that will try and keep JAP and CHI at a 0.8 military ratio instead of sending everything in one shot
- Warlords should not longer accept white peace with JA

*** Misc National AI.
- LIB 新的部長 AI
- PHI had his builds adjusted to build more ships
- SAL 新的部長 AI
- SAU 新的部長 AI
