星期三, 12月 21, 2005


HOI2 1.03 中譯 Part VI


*** 共有的
- Properly included event_picture references in the new 'Experience from Spanish Civil War' events
- Edited some sprite coordinates to make stuff better visible
- Added a big number of propaganda pics for revolter nations
- 替ARG和中華民國增加一些 model 圖片
- 替加拿大全部的空軍單位增加 model 圖片
- Removed some forbidden symbols in four propaganda posters
- Fixed some French translation errors in text.csv
- Fixed an error in revolt.txt where Abadan (in Persia) was required instead of Kuwait City
- The revolt.txt entry should now properly make Bratislava the Slovakian capital
- OTT now has a revolter entry
- Removed an erroneous province for KAZ in revolt.txt
- Lowered MP levels of small minors across the map
- Gave MAN a bit of offmap stuff to keep on running
- When the Netherlands & Belgium surrender, their army is now properly deleted as well
- Denmark now secedes its provinces to Germany when it stands down (no partisans)
- Fixed an error in the adj-defs.csv file that made some Pacific chain connect to *whistle* North Africa.
- Andaman Islands are no longer needed to liberate India
- 減少菲律賓的人力資源
- CSA got intrinsic_gov_type = fascist removed
- BEL: +4 IC (二個科技團隊)
- SWE: +3 IC (一個科技團隊 --> 二個科技團隊)
- Moved all 'ruling cabinets' in minister files to 'replacements' since liberated nations would else always get the ruling cabinet, instead of a cabinet suited for their puppetmaster
- 修正一個德國部長的代碼(ID)錯鋘
- Some Finnish minister tweaks
- IDC 得到一些新的科技團隊(拷貝至LAO, CMB, VIE)
- Tweaked a Swiss tech team, a Nigerian one, removed Millikan from USA, tweaked Canadian Avro
- Trivial tweaks to some USA tech team dates
- Pocket Defence Doctrine historical year changed to 1941
- Most of all the names in various Chinese ministers & leader files are now in Pinyin
- 在法義邊界增加一些要塞
- New Caledonia增加資源:稀有礦物
- DFR & DDR generals now available a bit earlier just in case they're liberated earlier
- German relations with FRA/ENG should now get a much larger hit when the 'End of Czechoslovakia' happens
- Tweaked the belligerence requirement for US Oil Embargo to 40.
- Weather in provinces 1643 & 1645 changed to subtropical
- Made Gibraltar mountain again
- added some better and more historical supply & oil pools
- Mengkukuo now has some offmap IC to keep on running
- Raised INFRA in Gorkij from 50 to 60
- Suez region is now extra for Egypt
- Cyprus is now an extra for OTT
- Province 1049 got its infra upped a bit
- 1936劇本:Manilla新增海灘(登陸)並移除要塞
- The Istanbul port now exits in the Sea of Marmara insead of the Aegean Sea.
- Removed the land connection between China and Hong Kong for AI purposes and made Hong Kong hills.
- Added sea connections between some of the Philippine islands, so they can be crossed by troops but ships can still block them.

** 戰役
- Added and removed some logical and illogical techs:
* Coral Sea: added techs 8310 and 8130 to AST
* D-Day: removed 8130 from GER
* Fall Weiss: removed 5360 from POL
* Platinean War: removed 5380 and added 5310 and 5320 to BRA
* Southern Conquests: removed 8310 and added 5310 and 5320 to JAP
- Husky: enhanced a trigger

** 1936:
- fixed a bug in the SWE slider setup: free_market twice instead of one freedom
- 德國的孤立義調整為5
- 降低西班牙共和國與英國,法國及蘇聯的關係
- 日本向職業軍人移動三級
- Set up the 1936 minister cabinets to correspond with the new setup of the minister files
- BEL 現在在遊戲一開始是自由市場(Van Zeeland 政府)
- 將加拿大的干涉主義移向 4
- 1936: Added a level 3 air_base to Chengdu in CHI in anticipation of a possible Operation Zet
- 修正Oman的首都
- USSR 現在有科技1070的藍圖
- 修正CGX海軍的母港
- 修正中華民國海軍的母港
- Deleted two invalid brigades in ENG OOB
- 德國的 'Baltische Flotte' 移動至正確的母港
- 義大利的 '4a Squadra di Marina' 現在有正確的母港了
- 義大利的 '19a Squadra di Marine' 移動至正確的母港
- Polish 'III/1 Dyon Brygady Poscigowej' moved to a correct air base
- 美國的 '2nd USN Submarine Fleet' 移動至正確的母港
- 美國的 '7th USAAF Bombardment Wing' 移動至正確的空軍基地
- 英國得到 'Improved Light Cruiser(改良型輕巡洋艦)' (3100) (accidentally omitted)
- 美國的一個機場修正到菲律賓而非都柏林
- 擴建都柏林的海軍基地
- Added naval bases to Rotterdam and Dunkirk
- added some better and more historical supply & oil pools
- fixed alot of incoherent and one-side-defined relations settings
- added some missing prerequisite techs
- Upped the amount of Belgian transports
- 1936/1939: Removed mutual Military Access between Commonwealth countries to remedy the currently broken end_access command. Their access is automatic anyway, since they're Allies.
- edited SAF sliders a bit to make them slightly less democratic
- added a locked garrison to Panama in all scenarios
- made Cyprus UK national to ensure they don't give it away under any circumstance
- 塞普路斯設為土耳其的固有領土
- 新增阿爾及利亞為法國的固有領土
- Added some more airfields to the Eastern Front area and along the Transsiberian Railway.
- 將英國的"職業軍人"設為7
- 移除香港的陸上要塞並更改其海岸要塞的等級(lvl 3 in 36/39, lvl 5 in 41/44)
- Added an 'ahistorically early' alliance between Japan & Manchukwo
- 菲律賓的人力資源設為0
- 修正西北三馬和新疆間控制的省分
- 法國向徵兵制移動二級
- Set a few gameplay-important trades to cancel = no
- 德國向職業軍人移動二級
- 減少中南美諸國的人力資源 60-66%
- German ArmMin Hjalmar Schacht made available in 1936.
