星期三, 12月 21, 2005


HOI2 1.03 中譯 Part III

** 德國 AI (GER)
- GER AI has 3 sub patrol patern AIs which he will select one every 2 months
- GER Air AI completely re-written with new event codding. Germany will now adjust his air missions depending on circumstances in game. He will also refresh his Air AI every single month to fix the sleeping air ai bug
- GER allied with SPA/SPR he will not wait till the spring to attack FRA
- GER and ITA will replace their lost paratroopers if they have transport planes
- GER attack on YUG AI tweaked to be more aggressive
- GER 對蘇聯宣戰的改進: 從七月開始,在宣戰前,它會每天檢查它有多少部隊在前線(德蘇邊界)
- GER Fixed and issue where German subs where going through areas and virtually commiting suicide
- GER fixed the Stuggart empty province when attacking POL bug
- GER Garrisoning of the Baltic beaches updated with the new flag event design it will now fire as many time as need be no matter how back and forth the allies do to get access to the baltic
- GER had a bug fix in his Russian invasion buildup AI
- GER had a fix in his YUG buildup AI that would cause French beaches not to be covered
- GER had another bug fix in his buildup on the Russian front AI
- GER had another change to his minister AI
- GER had his monitoring of the Baltic for enemy ships tweeked
- GER had Lomza (486) added to his buildup for Russian invasion
- GER had some tweeks to his minister AI
- GER had the entire Baltic added to CORE list in admiral section
- GER 新的生產 AI
- GER 強化的海獅計劃(Sea Lion) AI
- GER 如果不處於戰爭中,Hopener將成為參謀總長
- GER invading norway will concentrate his fleets better for this
- GER 入侵法國 AI 作了一點改善
- GER invasion of NOR, SWE or FIN AI has been changed to now execute under certain conditions and no longer dependent on the Atmark event.
- GER 調整入侵挪威 AI
- GER 如果德國計劃入侵蘇聯,入侵Yugoslavia將會發生
- GER 如果對蘇聯作戰, Jodl將成為參謀總長
- GER Learned how to attack Poland due to an early war with France if he is planning on attacking Russia
- GER 知道如何增強(國力)及入侵南斯拉夫
- GER 在入侵西班牙之前,知道如何增強(國力)
- GER 佑道如何更換部長以得到較好的效率
- GER Learned how to mass at the low countries before he invades (if early war starts)
- GER Minister AI changed a little due to changes in minister traits
- GER minor tweek to minister AI
- GER 不再生產戰略飛彈
- GER 如果是傀儡國, 它不會對任何人宣戰
- GER switches to a standard front AI on occasion to save supply usage (more like camp up for the winter and wait)
- GER updated for Armament minister changes
- GER 如果對蘇聯作戰, Von Bock將成為陸軍總司令
- GER 將在二月入侵 YUG, 而非三月
- GER 將多生產一些陸軍單位
- GER 在36GC中,將儘早多生產一些運輸艦(有助於進攻挪威)
- GER will build less transport planes (changed to reactive AI file)
- GER will build max 2 air transports and try and always keep it at 2
- GER 會生產一些戰略轟炸機
- GER 如果沒有運輸艦可以入侵,會取消海獅計劃轉而入侵蘇聯
- GER will garrison some of the ports on the French and German coast
- GER will keep a solid presence of submarines
- GER will keep his cap at about 10 subs during peace and when atwar he will go up to 20
- GER will keep his fleets in the Atlantic, Med and Northesea area
- GER 如果對蘇聯作戰, 它將不再對FIN派遣遠征軍
- GER will no longer send EXP forces to anyone (this solved the ships in the channel problem and trying to go to Ethiopia)
- GER will no longer send EXP forces to FIN (was causing to many probs in Norway)
- GER will no longer send his fleet out into the Atlantic if a historical game is going on till he starts his low countries invasion
- GER will send ITA allot of troops to defend Italy under certain conditions
- GER 除非陸軍的數量是蘇聯的4/5或更多,不然不會對蘇聯宣戰
- GER Yugoslavia invasion AI tweaked
- GER Paratrooper Reactive events are turned back on
- GER 修正冬季戰爭(攻擊蘇聯)的觸發事件

*** 義大利 AI (ITA)
- ITA 修正保持10個師在衣索匹亞的臭虫
- ITA builds changed slightly
- ITA 修正入侵希臘的臭虫,如果領土被法國佔領,它不會入侵希臘
- ITA had his early years garrison AI adjusted
- ITA 新的生產AI
- ITA 新的部長AI
- ITA has a new Air AI that decides prios between Naval and Ground support
- ITA Home garrison multiplier lowered to 0.5 unless threatened
- ITA Invasion AI to switches around with Naval AI beach prios
- ITA 改善入侵希臘的AI
- ITA neutrality lowered when certain conditions are met (was 95 now goes down to 50)
- ITA switching between his Russian, Greece and Homeland AIs have been improved and updated to new style so they can switch around as much as needed
- ITA will build a paratrooper(AI_Reactive.txt)
- ITA will no longer send EXP forces to GER, ROM, HUN, BUL, FIN this is to keep his nav bombers in the Med
- ITA will release more troops for combat once Greece Falls
- ITA Will research Multi Role Fighters
- ITA will tighten his homeland defenses under certain conditions
- ITA Paratrooper Reactive events are turned back on
- ITA has a new Naval AI that will shift it's forces around the Med (including subs in the Altantic)

*** 日本 AI (JAP)
- JAP 36GC 的生產 AI 不只會生產面單位,現在也會生產驅逐艦
- JAP 修正了一個 backoff AI 的問題.這個問題會導至 JAP 前線的部隊"睡著"
- JAP had a bug in build prios missing 4 points in 1936 AI
- JAP 修正了一個在太平洋戰爭AI中的重大臭虫. 這個臭虫導致日本在佔領菲律賓(PHI)後停止行動
- JAP 航母科技加入日本的優先研發清單中
- JAP 攻擊中國的 AI 作了大幅加強
- JAP 如果中國(CHI)不是由玩家控制,它的backoff AI不會起動
- JAP 對它的部長 AI 作了小修改
- JAP had some changes to his build AI weights and front distribution
- JAP 生產運輸船 AI 總是會試圖維持 10 艘運輸船的數量
- JAP 現在有本土防衛 AI
- JAP has a new Air AI that prios and shifts when need be
- JAP 現在有新的生產 AI. 它會根據敵人的行動而有說改變
- JAP 現在有一個新的被動式 AI. 如果它控制的印度支那且泰國與之同盟,它會被動地攻擊 CGX 及 CYN
- JAP has an entire new Pacific War AI that shifts prios around in the Pacific as need be
- JAP invasion of PHI AI had his Naval AI tightened up to be more focused
- JAP 現在會根據遊戲的狀況變換它的部長
- JAP 部長會改變生產的優先次序
- JAP no longer has any passitivity for most of the warlords
- JAP should loose less ground to CHI if he taks Hainan
- JAP should no longer accept white peace from Warlords
- JAP 在1940年不會再對他的盟友宣戰
- JAP 如果美國是它的傀儡國,它不會再對美國宣戰
- JAP some changes to his backoff garrison AI to help with Pacific War
- JAP updated with new beaches
- JAP will adjust himself in attacking China and increase the amount of territory he wants on an anual basis if he looses territory he will go back on the attack if he is below his quota (AI vs AI only)
- JAP 總是會維持它在太平洋區域的艦隊
- JAP 將對UAS, ENG, FRA 及 SOV 作更多的外交抵抗
- JAP 如果中國的中部或南方沒有軍隊駐防,日本會從這裡入侵
- JAP will monitor Chinas politics and get involved if it feels threatened
- JAP 會監視中國的政治情勢,如果感到威脅,它將會介入
- JAP 如果是 AI vs AI, 日本不會自中國中部入侵
- JAP will use his Prince of Terror minister under certain circumstances
