星期三, 12月 21, 2005


HOI2 1.03 中譯 Part V

******* Modding Support *******
- Added an 'army = X' trigger which returns true
- 新增觸發命令 'day = x'.
- Added a 'land_percentage = { country = XXX value = 1.2 }' trigger that returns true if the target has at least 120% of the number of land-divisions the desired opponent has.
- Added "manpower = X" to the free-resources field.
- Global flags now work the same way as local flags.
- 新增 "free_manpower"事件命令

******* 臭虫修正 *******
- Tracked down and fixed a bug which gave fleets perfect positioning after 1 hour.
- 修正空戰時會當機的臭虫
- Divisiontype-triggers 現在可以正確地運作
- 修正人力資源(manpower)的臭虫, 目前用於增援的人力會超過真正需要的
- Fixed the problem where a convoy from puppet's would never ship the resources.
- 修正幾個幾個事件命令的臭虫,如果它們涉及無關的國家會當機
- Fixed a crashbug which happened when a large navalcombat occurred with hundreds of ships got sunk.
- Divisions in strategic redeployment and under construction are now considered for the division-types trigger.
- Fixed the minister trigger so that it will not return true if the ministers startdate has not arrived OR the minister is dormant.
- 修正"維琪"當機臭虫
- 解放傀儡國不會同時解除該國的秘密科技的鎖定
- Removed crash on MAKE_PUPPET command when the new puppet was allied with the new puppeteer.
- Units Loaded onto transports now leaves combat.
- 併吞時,將領不會在消失
- Friendly troops aboard alliance transports no longer become citizens of the nation's ships upon reload.
- Tracked down and fixed reason for mismatch on serial production of province developments in MP.
- Fixed pathfinding for aircrafts and other units, used an inadmissible heuristic for a* before.
- 修正傀儡國會脫離宗主國聯盟的錯誤

******* 事件(Events) *******
** 雜項
- 修正在各個事件(Events)檔的許多草腳錯誤
- 隨機事件 "大規模罷工" 不會在發生在國家社會主義或法西斯國家
- 編輯事件"租借法案",現在每九個月會被觸發一次(不在是隨機觸發),但是為了平衡起見,美國拒絕的機率更高了
- 編輯美國對中華民國的事件"租借法案",現在應該會被觸發的更加頻繁
- Reworked the amount of offmap goodies the various revolters get.
- 事件 "冷戰爆發" 可以更早被觸發,如1936
- 事件 "冷戰爆發" 現在會檢查更多東西

** 歐洲
- Completely reworked the way Vichy is handled. Vichy now has a ton of events to handle various colonies seceding, Operation Torch, the Vichy surrender and more...
- 如果德國,義大利,蘇聯,英國及法國干涉西班牙內戰而且他們支持的一方獲勝,他們會取得一些科技藍圖
- Reworked the triggers to the Hitler Assassination events extensively. The event will now have a chance of occuring when the war goes bad, and not necessarily when you have alot of dissent.
- The following ministers/leaders will no longer be slept when Hitler is assassinated: Heinz Guderian, Walther von Brauchitsch, Eberhard Milch
- German government should now be properly made PA when Hitler has been assassinated (Beck-Goerdeler government)
- 編輯 '東波蘭歸蘇聯' 事件, 使它可以正確的被啟動
- Removed the intervenionist slider moves for Germany in the Spanish Civil War, Rheinland and Anschluss events. Extra moves added to Sudetenland Events
- Edited the 'German annexation of Czechoslovakia' event trigger a bit
- Tweaked the trigger of the Anschluss event somewhat
- Added some forgotten province ID's to Bitter Peace events
- Reworked the Molotov-Ribbentrop sequence severely.
- Smaller German allies now have an event to return provinces when Molotov-Ribbentrop triggers
- 小幅修改 '莫洛托夫-裡賓特洛甫條約' 事件串,使得蘇聯不會總是對德國宣戰
- 如果 '莫洛托夫-裡賓特洛甫條約' 事件中選擇 b 或 c, 冬季戰爭將不再發生(非史實狀況)
- 修改蘇聯 '將工業移到西伯利亞' 事件,現在蘇聯不會在從這個事件中得到任何IC
- The various USSR ground_def_eff tweaking events (2651 to 2659) now properly sleep the 'cheated' event 2660 to prevent exploits
- 現在AI事件確保蘇聯的AI不會得到太高的"地面防衛加成"
- 增加3個AI事件,使蘇聯在戰後會解放並傀儡BUL,CZE和POL。
- The End of the Winter War got its trigger reworked
- Action_b of the End of the Winter War now drops relations a lot more and end possible SOV non_aggression pacts with Allies & Germany
- 修正蘇聯對Bessarabia宣告主權的事件
- Tweaked splitting of czech army after the Munich event-series.
- 微調"捷克斯拉夫的終結"。大部分的領土再也不會屬放HUN
- 加入新事件 "捷克斯拉夫的終結"(2041),以包含HUN不存在的非歷史狀況
- 如果CZE是傀儡國, "捷克斯拉夫的終結"(2040) 將不會發生
- 改善 "偉大的愛國戰爭" 的觸發條件,以免它被觸發一次以上 multiple times.
- Yugoslavia should now also sign peace with the Allies and (possibly) the USSR when they withdraw from the Axis
- 自event 35中移除對POL, BUL和CZE的傀儡
- 在德國投降後,盟軍解放丹麥,挪威和盧森堡。
- 在德國投降後,盟軍現在會正確放棄希臘,捷克,意大利和匈牙利的省份
- Croatia now gets a tiny bit of free_ic and stuff to be at least viable when they are released by GER
- There now is a French variant of the Liberation of Europe event
- 小幅修改 "義大利投降" 的觸發條件
- The events concerning the Creation of Slovakia have been reworked
- Moved the alliance command in the Croatian Independance events from the CRO event to the GER event so that Croatia now actually *joins* the Axis upon creation
- 編輯 '英國保證波蘭獨立' 的觸發條件
- Churchill can now also come to power if ENG ends up at war with SOV (anti-commie role)
- The Spanish Civil War Intervention events for FRA, ENG and SOV now checks for those countries *not* being in an alliance with Republican Spain
- Extensively reworked the way Slovakia is established
- Added a death event for Finnish PM Kyosti Kallio
- The End of Germany event series now make Niels Bohr return to Denmark (slept in USA)
- There's now an event that removes the Maginot line when its flanked.
- There's now an event series that makes Bulgaria claim the Constanta region from Romania. If the claims are refused, this might lead to a Third Balkan War.
- Tweaked some AI_chances in Anschluss and Leadership of Free France events
- Reduced '36 GC FRA MP by 100 and added +15MP to the FRA Gearing up for War event (52)
- Germany now gets allied to Hungary if they chose to partition Czechoslovakia with them instead of installing Tiso.
- Fixed a few problems with the Annexation of Czechoslovakia events
- There's now an event that removes the Maginot line when its flanked
- Thoroughly reworked the Italian surrender chain's triggers and effects.
- Reworked the various events that tweaked the GDE of the USSR. At long last, all scenarios should now be corresponding correctly.
- When the Netherlands and Belgium are overrun, their European provinces become owned by Germany now. NOTE: Their troops will keep on fighting since they 'continue the fight from the colonies'.
- If Poland declines an alliance with the United Kingdom or the United Kingdom does not offer an alliance at all, Poland has a higher chance of caving in to Germany demanding Danzig.
- Croatia now properly gets less free_ic when liberated (3 <--> 7).

- Fixed the three 'US Gearing up for War' triggers so that they don't return true in the first few days of the game anymore
- Tweaked and reworked the 'USA Gearing up for War' event chain.
- Tweaked the triggers for the Undeclared War and the Arsenal for Democracy events.
- Added some logical Monroe Doctrine triggers to events 56, 57 & 58
- The USA gearing up for war will now also happen as a reaction to premature Soviet aggression
- Event action_b in event 57 no longer sleeps event 58
- event 57 的 action_b 不再使 event 失效
- 如果菲律賓成為日本的傀儡, 美國的菲律賓將領及科技團隊(如麥克阿瑟)會暫時消失.
- USA now moves a bit more towards interventionism if 'Pearl Harbour' hits
- USA now gets claims on Iceland & Greenland when they get it offered (to counter nationalism there).
- 當日本的好戰度達到40時,美國才會對日本實施石油禁運(原先是35)
- 只有當美國對中國提供援助時,中國才會有科技團隊 Claire Chennault.(以及其領導人陳納德)
- 當美國失去加州/德州時,它同時也會失去一些以加州/德州為基地的技術團隊
- Destroyer Transfer (30 & 31) tweaked with changes to USA'S '36, '38, '39 GC scenario files

**Asia-Pacific and Africa
- 與珍珠港相關的偷襲事件在1947年之前都可能會發生,而非1943年
- 現在,如果美國投降,日本併吞菲律賓
- Japan now allies with Manchukwo and Mengkukwo should it chose action_b in the Khalkin Gol incident (small chance)
- 班乃島號事件不再增加日本的好戰性,也修改此處一個省份代碼(ID)的錯誤.
- Added in two events for the case where MAD becomes a JAP puppet in the Vichy chain.
- Cut the manpower values in japanmanpower.txt by a factor 30 since they should represent daily MP gain.
- The 'Japan surrenders to China' event now cedes previously warlord owned territory as well.
- The Japanese side of the 'US Oil Embargo' event now kills alot of trades instead of reducing their oil stockpile
- Nomonhan Incident (event 22) now has a small chance the Japanese AI will delcare war on the USSR
- Reworked the Surrender of Japan events a tiny bit. They should now properly cede Indochina to France again.
- Edited the badly used add_corps and add_division commands in the Operation Zet event(s).
- There now is a nice event series concerning peace between China and Japan. Various options are available to both sides like installing a puppet regime, balkanizing the opponent,...
- When the Chinese Industry Move to the interior happens, industry will now also be moved away from Nanjing and Hangzhou to the interior. 50% of the resources there will now also appear inland.
- The Chinese Industry Move to the Interior now also triggers a Burma Road event that hands a small portion of free resources and stuff to China. The Burma Road can be closed (and China weakened) by capturing Burma. It can be re-opened if ENG takes it back.
- Reworked the 'Burma Road' triggers to account for a bit more possible outcomes. If the Southern China warlords are at war with China for example, the Burma Road can't open anymore.
- Persian Coup (936) tweaked
- Included a new event file (colonial_release.txt) that gives dissent to nations setting their colonial revolters free. We want to discourage ahistorical mass-liberating
- There's now some new events surrounding the Iraqi coup and counter-coup
- There's now an event that establishes the Japanese puppet in Mengkukuo
- Added in three 'death events' for SAF politicians
- There's now events that might establish the People's Republic of Korea and South Korea.
- There's now an event that potentially transfers Soviet conquered parts of China to the Chinese Communists.
- Included a small chance for Persia going to war with USSR & UK in the Persian Coup event
- Removed 1272 from the 'Mengkukuo established' event trigger
- Persian Coup (236) deleted, it was replaced by Persian Coup (936) in hoi2.txt file
- There now is an event to simulate the establishment of the Persian Corridor if Persia leans towards Germany
- Added Death of King Ghazi of Iraq (393)
- Edited the Iraqi Coup events in HOI2.txt a bit to trigger properly
- Expanded the trigger for the 'Siam Gives Up' event.
- There now is a 'South Africa at the Crossroads' event where SAF can choose to stay with the Allies, or side more with the Axis.

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