星期三, 12月 21, 2005


HOI2 1.03 中譯 Part VII

** 1938:
- 微調德國與捷克的科技
- 微調英國的警備部隊
- 進一步平衡
- 修正捷克的要塞.
- Increased partisan levels in China.
- 降低中國陸軍的素質.
- Tweaked base sizes, techs and AA to sensible levels for 1938
- 為日本新增海軍生產程式
- 伊朗現在是具可玩的國家
- 1938: 為蘇聯增加空軍基地
- 1938: adding the Vallo Alpino fortifcations to Italy
- 1938: the GDE/GPW events
- 1938: 降低英國的人力資源
- 1938: 增加蘇聯的孤立性
- 1938: 弱化西班牙的科技
- 1938: correcting the membership of the British Empire and Allies (removing YEM and IRQ)
- 1938: 降低義大利陸軍的素質.
- 1938: resolving incompatibility with the Soviet gearing/GPW events
- 1938: sundry minor tweaks to diplomacy, tech and other details

** 1939:
- 日本向職業軍人移動三級.
- 為中國在成都新增一個等級3的機場
- Fixed a minister fluke in TIB
- Oman and CSC now have their correct capitals set
- Argentinian 'Aviacion del Ejercito' and 'Aviacion Naval' now correctly have air bases
- Australian 'HMAS Perth' now correctly has a naval base
- Finnish 'Lentorykmentti 1' and 'Lentorykmentti 4' now correctly have air bases
- French 'Zone d'Operations Aeriennes Est' moved to a correct air base
- French 'Zone d'Operations Afrique Ouest' moved to a correct air base
- Added an airbase to PROV528 Lyon
- French 'Zone d'Operations Aeriennes des Alpes' now correctly has an air base
- German 'Erkundungsflotte' now correctly has a naval base
- Dutch '1e Luchtvloot' moved to a correct airbase
- Iraqi 'Royal Army Air Force' moved to a correct airbase
- Japanese '2. Hikoutai', '8. Kaigun' and '3. Hikoutai' now correctly have airbases and navalbases
- Japanese '1 Zerosen no Hikodan' and '1. Hikoutai' moved to correct airbases
- Soviet 'Arctic Fleet' moved to a correct navalbase
- Spanish 'Region Estrecho' and 'Region Pirineos' moved to correct airbases
- An American Dublin is now correctly in Phoenix instead of Ireland
- 擴建都柏林的海軍基地
- Added naval bases to Rotterdam and Dunkirk
- added some better and more historical supply & oil pools
- fixed alot of incoherent and one-side-defined relations settings
- added some missing prerequisite techs
- Upped the amount of Belgian transports
- 伊朗現在是具可玩的國家
- Removed mutual Military Access between Commonwealth countries to remedy the currently broken end_access command. Their access is automatic anyway, since they're Allies.
- edited SAF sliders a bit to make them slightly less democratic
- added a locked garrison to Panama in all scenarios
- made Cyprus UK national to ensure they don't give it away under any circumstance
- 塞普路斯設為土耳其的固有領土
- 阿爾及利亞設為法國的固有領土
- Added some more airfields to the Eastern Front area and along the Transsiberian Railway.
- Moved the British professional_army slider to position 7.
- 移除香港的陸上要塞並將之改為海岸要塞(36/39年 lvl 3, 41/44年 lvl 5)
- Germany now has Mil.Acc to Uruguay
- Mengkukuo now has some offmap IC to keep on running
- Significantly cut down the PHI OOB
- 菲律賓的人力資源設為0
- 法國向後備軍人移動二級
- 少數對遊戲極為重要的協議被設定為無法拒絕
- 德國向職業軍人移動二級
- 減少大部分中南美洲國的人力資源60%-66%

** 1941:
- 微調美國的科技設定
- 日本向職業軍人移動3級
- CHI:成都(Chengdu)的空軍基地升級為3
- 修正Oman的首都
- Fixed some minister flukes in SOV and TAN
- Deleted Advanced Interceptor (Ki-84) & Improved Interceptor (Ki-61) techs from JAP but added Basic Escort Fighter (Ki-38)
- Fixed some bases for Australia
- 修正澳洲(Australia)的一些基地(空軍?海軍?)
- Specified base province for the Guangxi Clicque naval unit
- Moved a Chinese air unit to a correct airbase
- Moved two British naval units to a correct naval base
- Edited two forbidden German brigades
- Added two Italian airbases (Sardinia & Rome)
- Added bases to a few Japanese air units
- Edited some forbidden Japanese brigades
- Added a base for the Romanian fleet
- Edited some forbidden Soviet brigades
- Moved the Soviet Pacific Fleet to a correct naval base
- Added a naval base to Karlskrona in Sweden
- Moved an American air unit to a correct airbase
- French government changed to SC
- 擴建 Dublin 的海軍基地
- added some better and more historical supply & oil pools
- fixed alot of incoherent and one-side-defined relations settings
- added some missing prerequisite techs
- Upped the amount of Belgian transports
- 1941: SOV GDE set to 0.6
- edited SAF sliders a bit to make them slightly less democratic
- added a locked garrison to Panama in all scenarios
- made Cyprus UK national to ensure they don't give it away under any circumstance
- 塞普路斯設為土耳其的固有領土
- 阿爾及利亞設為法國的固有領土
- Added some more airfields to the Eastern Front area and along the Transsiberian Railway.
- Moved the British professional_army slider to position 7.
- Removed the Land Fort in Hong Kong and changed it to a Coastal Fort (lvl 3 in 36/39, lvl 5 in 41/44).
- 修正一些代碼錯誤
- Mengkukuo now has some offmap IC to keep on running
- Significantly cut down the PHI OOB
- 法國向後備軍人移動一級
- 少數對遊戲極為重要的協議被設定為無法拒絕
- 德國向職業軍人移動二級
- 減少大部分中南美洲國的人力資60%-66%

** 1944:
- 在 Rotterdam 及 Dunkirk 新增海軍基地
- 日本向職業軍人移動三級
- 更正SOV的科技代碼(id)
- Corrected some minister flukes in ARG, CUB and POR
- 安曼有正確的首都
- 更正在大量的檔案中許多基本的錯誤
- Corrected alot of unallowed brigades in a number of OOB's
- French government changed to SC
- 擴建 Dublin 的海軍基地
- added some better and more historical supply & oil pools
- fixed alot of incoherent and one-side-defined relations settings
- 增加一些被忽略的前提科技
- Argentina now has a claim on the Falklands
- 伊朗現在具有"可玩性"了.
- edited SAF sliders a bit to make them slightly less democratic
- added a locked garrison to Panama in all scenarios
- made Cyprus UK national to ensure they don't give it away under any circumstance
- 塞普路斯設為土耳其的固有領土
- 阿爾及利亞設為法國的固有領土
- Added some more airfields to the Eastern Front area and along the Transsiberian Railway.
- Moved the British professional_army slider to position 7.
- Removed the Land Fort in Hong Kong and changed it to a Coastal Fort (lvl 3 in 36/39, lvl 5 in 41/44).
- Switzerland now properly uses the Superior Firepower Doctrine path
- 德國現在有更多的防空炮台(如同歷史上)
- Significantly cut down the PHI OOB
- 少數對遊戲極為重要的協議被設定為無法拒絕
- 德國向職業軍人移動二級
